Chapter 15: The First Task

Start from the beginning

He hesitated for a few moments before answering, "I'm a good flier?" You beamed at him, "yes, that's brilliant Harry!"

"SSSHH!" Madam Pince scolded from somewhere nearby.

"How is that brilliant exactly? I can't exactly bring my broom with me, you know that."

"That's true, but you're allowed your wand aren't you?" You grinned at him then, "I have a spell that I think you'll find very useful."


The day of the First Task, you managed to sneak undetected into the Champion's Tent to give Cedric a hug and wish him luck, and do the same with Harry. You gave Krum a polite nod and then waved at Fleur, who you'd spoken to a number of times by that point.

You ducked out of the tent and bumped into Hermione who was also attempting to sneak in. You smiled at her and nodded to the tent's side entrance, "he's inside."

You made your way up to the stands where you sat with the Weasleys, Lee and Bea, while Alicia and Angelina waved at you from several rows across where they sat with some of their Hufflepuff friends. At this point, word of the dragons being the First Task had gotten out, so everyone was debating who would get what, and placing bets on who would win. Hermione ran back to the stands and took her seat beside Ron, who was in the row in front of you and the rest of your friends.

The sound of the cannon signalled the beginning of the task and the crowd erupted into chants of "Diggory! Diggory! Diggory!" You bit down your nerves as you saw Cedric walk into the arena, where a Swedish Short-Snout emerged from the caves below. You were relieved that Harry had found out about the dragons and told Cedric, because you can't imagine anyone surviving this task without any preparation, and Cedric seemed to be the only Champion who hadn't been told until Harry had warned him.

The crowd gasped on multiple occasions as Cedric barely managed to dodge the dragon's attacks, and there were a few times where you could only watch from between your fingers as you covered your face. Once he realised that he wouldn't get the golden egg on pure speed alone, he cleverly transfigured a rock into a dog, which distracted the dragon while Cedric ran for the egg. At the last moment, the dragon lost interest in the dog and turned on Cedric, breathing a stream of fire at him as the boy snatched the egg. Your heart leaped into your throat at the sight, but thankfully he ducked on time and he escaped with only minor burns to his face, which were healed by Madam Pomfrey once he left the arena.

Fleur was the second Champion to enter the arena, the Common Welsh Green was successfully lulled into a sleeping trance by the Beauxbatons student but it exhaled a jet of fire while it slept and set her jacket alight as she moved to grab the egg, but a gush of water from her wand with the Aguamenti Charm put it out and she ran to grab the egg. Krum was third to face his dragon, a brilliant red Chinese Fireball, which he blinded with the Conjunctivitis Curse. He managed to grab the golden egg without much trouble, but as a result of the blinding curse, the dragon stumbled and crushed the real dragon eggs it had been guarding and grew distressed, which lost the Durmstrang boy a number of points.

Your pulse had just settled after watching the two students you didn't know successfully defeat their dragons, but as Harry walked into the arena you felt your nerves rising once again, especially now that you know he would be facing the Hungarian Horntail, the most aggressive dragon of the four. You watched as Harry looked around, the dragon being nowhere in sight. But as he made his way down the rocky terrain, the ground shook as the huge spiked dragon smashed out of the caves and sent shards of rocks flying everywhere. The crowd ducked, both in shock at the dragon's sudden arrival and also to avoid the chips of rock that flew up into the stands as a result of the impact.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now