chapter 12 cheating

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IU's p.o.v

Joon Gi and I have been dating for almost a year now our anniversary is coming and I'm so excited to give him something but he's always busy but when he has some time he spends a lot of time with me.

We have our own mansion now and I'm no longer a maid my mom got arrested last two weeks ago I don't know why she just got free and arrested again but I don't care Joon Gi always gave me flowers when I'm alone on the mansion... There are only 9 maids here I don't want too many maids on the mansion besides I can clean it by myself

I was talking to Sehun right now

"sooooo noona...when will you and Hyung get married?" he asks and smirk

"Don't give me that smirk! And I don't know when we will get married" I said and laugh he also laugh

"We are laughing for nothing," he said I got to go so I ended the call

I call Joon Gi and it took a while before he answer it

"Hey~!" he said

I sigh he's drunk again

"Are you drunk again? c'mon! today we have a date!" I said and I can hear a girl voice on the phone like she's flirting with him I ask where is he, he said he's on the bar 

When I go inside I saw the girl on Joon Gi's lap trying to kiss him "c'mon! just one kiss your girlfriend won't know this"  he look at her "fine just one kiss..." I come closer my blood is boiling I grab her hair she stands up and I slap her so hard making her fall to the ground "WHAT'S YOU FUCKING PROBLEM?-"When she saw me she shut her mouth Joon Gi looks at me he stands up 

"IU I can-" before he finishes it I slap his face too "are you cheating on me?" I said and started to cry he looks at me "ANSWER ME!" I shout all the people are looking at us "I can explain this!" he said I shake my head "There's no more explanation I'm done with you Joon Gi..." I left him and I driveway back home I cry the made saw me "Ma'am what happened?" they ask I shake my head 

"ack my things I'm leaving out of here," I said I heard Joon Gi's car is here...

"IU let me explain what happened!" he said but I don't want to hear it he already wants to kiss that girl too...

Joon Gi saw that the maids are packing my stuff  "Stop that please leave us for a moment " he said to the maids  they all get out of the room

I feel that Joon Gi hugged me "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry It won't happen again I promise..." he said I started to cry again and I  hug him again

"I'm sorry too, Joon Gi," I said he puts me in bed "Go to sleep now we will continue our date tomorrow," he said and smile I smile back "love u..." he said "love you too," I said

and I fall asleep

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