💥Chapter 16💥

Start from the beginning

"It's about time that you got home Brat!"

Mitsuki came into the room to smack her son over the head for taking so long to come home, but when she saw Y/N, she gave me the bone-crushing hug that I had been trying to prepare for.

"You didn't scare her away! I thought that Katsuki did something stupid and you wouldn't ever come over again!"

"Katsuki is very nice to me. I like spending time with him, so hopefully, you'll be seeing more of me."

Mitsuki and I both looked at Katsuki expectantly. I usually don't just invite myself over, so he would have to invite me.

"I never knew that my son could be helpful."

"How did you know that he was helping me with my hero name?"

"He is? Katsuki good job not messing everything up like you usually do!"

I patted Katsuki on his shoulder trying to tell him with my eye that that isn't true.

"I was talking about when he carried you off of the field after your fight against him. He wouldn't even let the robots near you! I'm proud of you for taking care of her Katsuki!"

I looked at Katsuki, who conveniently found a picture on the wall quite interesting at the moment.

"You carried me to my grandma's office?"

Katsuki sheepishly nodded his head. I tackled him in a hug.

"Thank you so much Katsuki!"

I was giving him a Mitsuki level hug when I remembered that Grandma did nothing.

"I'm sorry that you carried me that far just for Recovery Girl to dump water on my face!"

"It was worth it! At first, I was shocked, but now I have a priceless memory of your suffering."

Katsuki was laughing by the end, and as much as I liked his laugh, I pulled out of the hug to punch him lightly on the shoulder.

"Stupid Hedgehog."


"Hedgehog. Got a problem?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and he clenched his fists muttering that he didn't look like a hedgehog. He gave me a deadly glare before doing his angry stomp to his room.

Mitsuki looked at me in shock. Katsuki hadn't killed or attacked me and that was very surprising.

"The brat must really like you."

"I sure hope so because I really like him."

"I'm glad that my Katsuki has someone like you. You should go check on him though. He's probably throwing one of his tantrums."

"I'll see you later Mitsuki."

When I walked into Katsuki's room, he was about to destroy his punching bag. That explains why Midoryia is so afraid of him.

I plopped down onto his bed and buried my face in his pillow. It smelled like caramel, just like him.

"Are you done? Or are you going to break the poor punching bag?"

He got in a few more punches before he stomped over and snatched the pillow out from beneath my head. My head hit his bed and I groaned in pain, but Katsuki wasn't done yet. He threw the pillow at me before continuing to hit the bag.

"I won't call you a hedgehog if it makes you this mad."

This was my peace offering, and thankfully, he took it. He stomped over to his bed and sat down beside me.

"Why didn't that stupid icyhot go all out? Am I not worth it?"

Katsuki's voice was shaking with sadness and rage at the same time. So this was why he got so mad. He was afraid that he wasn't good enough, and when I teased him, his inferiority complex took over.

Katsuki started to tremble and I heard sniffles every couple of seconds.

"Icyhot thought I was weak, but the heroes thought I was a villain." 

His voice was breaking as he cried. His body seemed to fold in on him like it couldn't even support itself anymore.

"They chained me up Y/N. They treated me like a villain. Before you took off the muzzle, I could barely breathe. It was like the sludge incident."

I sat up and pulled him into my arms. Usually, when I hugged him he stiffened up, but this time, he just accepted my comfort.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. You don't deserve it. You are a wonderful person and you will be a wonderful hero. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot and can fight me and I'll beat them up in your honor."

Katsuki let out a chuckle from inside my embrace. I gently grabbed his face with my hands and wiped away his tears.

"You've got this Katsuki. I'll always be here for you."

Katsuki seemed to regain his pride and pulled away. He didn't seem mad at me though.

"Do you wanna train Y/N? Beating you up again would be fun."

"I have a better idea, but we would need to stop by my house first."

Katsuki gave me a questioning look, but I was going to do this. I had a perfect idea.

"Come on Katsuki! Let's go!"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down the stairs. We were almost out the door when Mitsuki stopped us.

"Where are you two going?"

"It's a surprise. We might be gone for an hour or two."

"Okay. Have fun you two. You're welcome over for dinner if you want Y/N."

"Thank you, Mitsuki. That sounds great!"

And with that, I dragged Katsuki out of his house and down the sidewalk. If I knew Katsuki, this would be perfect. A competitive person like Katsuki would like laser tag. Right?

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