Chapter 3:

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"What?!" Sunny yelled in surprise and panic and Tsunami looked down at her talons

"I'm not cut out to be a teacher, " Tsunami said gruffly 

everyone was visibly sad except for Peril who seemed to be uncontrollably smiling but trying to hide it.

"Of course you are! You're a great teacher! Tsunami please don't abandon us" Sunny pleaded "Sunny, this is what she wants to do. this is her path in life" Clay said softly and put a wing around the little hybrid who started crying. 

Glory just looked at them, she had known basically from the beginning that Tsunami was too hot-headed and arrogant to be a teacher, but she hadn't expected this

"Sunny, it's alright. Tsunami is a little too arrogant slash rude to be a teacher, this is her path in life. to become a shark" Glory said and wrapped her tail around Sunny's 

Tsunami didn't even look up and didn't show any emotion at Glory's comment, Actually, no one did. which made her feel a strange wave of anger towards her. 

Sunny pulled away from Glory and glared at her, with more anger than Glory had ever seen Sunny have.

"She is leaving! don't you get that? we might never see her again." Sunny snarled at Glory, which made the Rainwing jump backward and into Deathbringer who in turn took a menacing step towards Sunny, who just flared her wings and stepped towards him. 

"Deathbringer, I'm in the wrong. stop trying to intimidate my friends" Glory growled and Deathbringer stopped and went back to observing 

"No, you will see us again. I promise to visit every once in a while. us being Riptide and Hurricane" Tsunami said.

"Well, what will you do there?" Starflight's said as Fatespeaker leaned into him, being surprisingly silent.

"I'm going to stay in the palace with my mother after I convince her that Riptide is trustworthy with the fact that I trusted Riptide enough to have a child with him, and I have good judgment. because I'm her daughter. Coral will be more convinced with flattery" Tsunami explained in a confident voice as Riptide put a wing around her. 

It made Glory a little angry that they ignored her. back in the cave Tsunami would always glare at Glory and yell at her, but now Tsunami just ignored Glory like she didn't exist. It made her feel unnoticed and angry

"Hey, you do have good judgment, not just because your her daughter," Riptide said and Glory snorted. but they just ignored her, everyone did. besides Sunny who gave her an angry glance. 

Tsunami started blushing and kicked Riptide in the shin. It was more like a tap than a kick which surprised Glory that her angry older sister could be gentle with anything.

"So when will you be leaving?" Clay asked 

"Tomorrow Morning" Tsunami answered,

Peril looked on, feeling sad, lonely, and jealous as the Dragonets of Destiny hugged, Clay's warm brown scales against Tsunami, that weird Sandwing, and that beautiful Rainwing made Peril want to kill them. 

and the way that Clay hugged them with no hesitation, without even asking or looking towards Peril made her feel angry and as significant as a speck of sand at the bottom of the ocean. Peril wanted to wrap Clay in her wings and hopefully in the process kill all his friends, and they could be happy together. but she couldn't. Clay would probably kill her. even Hurricane was there.

"Goodbye, Dear friend" Starflight said 

"Guys, I'm not going to die. sure you might only see me a few times every year. even less than Glory. but it's fine." Tsunami said with a grin. 

"Tsunami, I'm sorry You have changed a lot since I last saw you, and I'm sorry for treating you like you were the same as before," Glory said, with a tone of anger and sadness in a weird mix. 

"I haven't changed, you're just slightly less annoying to be around. you still treat me the same though" Tsunami growled back, a small puff of steam came out of her nostrils and Riptide put his wing back around her and pulled her close, which seemed to stop all anger from her face.

Glory felt herself turning dark red, she had tried to apologize but Tsunami had to ruin it like she always did.

"That was rude, she was just trying to apologize" Deathbringer hissed and glared at Tsunami who glared right back. 

Glory didn't try to stop him, she felt so embarrassed by Tsunami shutting down her apology in a split second with no consideration. 

"You know, I don't think that you could be Queen. you would need to be Bossy, Arrogant, and full of yourself. oh wait" Glory basically yelled, but Tsunami just gave her a disgusted look and ignored her. 

"Alright, I should probably be going now. Goodbye, everyone. I have had amazing memories with all of you, I love you all." Tsunami said as she grabbed Hurricane who let out an unhappy squeak and Tsunami lifted Hurricane into the satchel around her neck. 

And with that the deep blue Seawing and the grey Seawing flew off into the sky

"Should we go to?" Deathbringer asked Glory who let out an angry growl

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