"They got roaches in there?" Memo asked.

"Nigga she in jail. They most definitely have roaches," Durk said.

"Give me the phone back, gang," Von groaned.

"We not done talking. Put it on speaker," Booka said.

"I heard Von told you he loved you. How cute is that," Durk dragged with everybody saying awe in the background.

"Y'all are lame."

"So fucking lame," Von added, "Y'all always wanna do this shit when I'm on the phone.

"Baker, your times up. Time to go back to your cell," the officer interrupted.

"Alright y'all, I gotta go. I'll talk to y'all later."

"Aight ma, I'll see you soon," he said.

I hung up the phone and walked back to my cell.

"Move faster," the guard nudged me with her stick.

Hit that bitch back...

No, we're gonna be in here longer if we do that. Just do as she says.

I walked into my cell and the door slammed behind me, automatically locking.

I laid against the cold steel and got lost in thought before I fell asleep.


"Wake up," I heard someone say, shaking me.

I fluttered my eyes open and there was a guard standing over me.

"Get your stuff. Your going home," he told me.



Why are you asking why? This is a good thing...

"They didn't have any evidence of you doing anything and someone slid in some extra cash to let you out," he explained.

If they didn't have any evidence then they shouldn't have even been able to bring me here. But they sent the white cops to the house and you know how they can be.


I grabbed my things and followed him out the cell. He led me to a room where he gave me the clothes I got arrested in.

I put those on and we walked out to the front. They made me sign a few papers before they let me leave.

It felt so good to breathe in fresh air again. All of those musty ass people in there.

"You missed me?" I heard to my right.

I looked over and Von was standing there with a cheesy smile on his face.

I never thought I'd be happy to see this man-

"Can I get a hug?" He smiled.

I walked over to him-

Girl you ran...

I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I'd ever given anybody. He picked me up and kissed my cheek as I enjoyed his presence.

"Damn nigga, we want to give hugs too, the fuck?" Booka interrupted.

"You always killing the vibe," Von said, putting me down.

Durk and Booka both hugged me at the same time, practically squishing me.

"Let her breathe damn," Von mugged.

They let me go and Memo gave me a little side hug.

"So since it's your first night out, we should go to the strip club," Booka suggested.

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