Three years later. . . Understanding

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Antú jumped on my chest, limiting my breathing. This is how I woke up on my twelfth birthday, to Antú breath.

"Ewww, Antú." I said, groaning. "Get off." 

Antú looked at me sadly then at the floor. As if to say Do I really have to? I'm very very comfortable here. With you.

My heart melted. Uhgggg. "You cold hearted demon lion."

Antú seemed to smirk at my unhappiness, and started to jump on my chest.

Little demon. "OUT!" I screamed.

Antú scrambled off of me running towards my hamper of dirty clothes and jumped in.

I groaned, and forced myself out of bed. I walked over to the hamper. "Antú," I murmured. "Come on, you know I'm not really mad at you."

He gave me puppy eyes, and they read. "How do I know for sure?"

My heart broke, I picked up Antú and rocked him like the little baby lion he is. "I wasn't really mad at you Antú."

Antú jumped out of my arms into my pillow. "Then don't scream next time, also you need to get up before you are late to your own party."

I yawned, and looked at the time. "Yeah your righ- Wait a minute," I looked at Antú in shock. "Since when do you speak english?!?!"

Antú looked at me weirdly. "You heard me?"

I jumped, "How?" I shook my head. "I'm dreaming right?"

Antú stared at me. "You understand me?"

I put my hands to my ears. "Stop talking!!!!"

Antú giggled, and jumped in joy. "You understand me! Finally! Finally! Do you know how many times I've wanted to be able to talk to you normally???"

I looked at Antú. "Why can I understand you? This isn't a dream, is it?" I asked.

Antú did the equivalent of shrugging for a lion. "Pinch yourself."

"Why?" I asked warily.

Antú rolled his eyes. "You wanted to know if you were asleep so-"

My mom opened the door. "Honey-

"-Pinch yourself." Antú finished.

My mom sighed. "Can you tell Antú to stop growling?"

I stared at my mom. "You can't understand him?"

"Please don't play around, of course I can't." My mom said, slightly annoyed.

I stared at her, with wide eyes. Was I going crazy?

Antú giggled at my expression. "You should see your face, you look so silly!!!" He rolled around on my pillow with laughter.

I glared at him. "Oh, shut up. You look equally crazy."

 My mom frowned. "Excuse me?"

I looked at my mom, "Sorry I was um. . ." I looked at my desk. "Practicing a script for my upcoming play." I looked at my mom sheepishly. "Sorry."

My mom sighed. "You should get ready, your friends will be here soon."

I nod. And wait for my mom to leave.

Once she does slowly leave, I groan.

"Why couldn't she hear you???" I scream at Antú.

"Whoa, chill girl. I can't control this. Well. . ." Antú frowned, as if he was thinking. "I don't think I can?"

I stormed out of my room, and slammed the door shut. Evil, demon, lion. Coming into my life and making me feel crazy.

 "Valentina! Wait up!" I heard Antú called from behind me.

I ran into the bathroom.

"Vale! Please, you know I can't control this anymore than you can. Please, listen." Antú called after me.

I didn't respond. Why? Why, things were already off to a weird and  slow start why did I have to understand you today???? Sorry Antú I just can't today!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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