𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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Shunned by society, quirkless Izuku Midoriya had lived a harsh childhood. He had received cruel treatment over something he couldn't control. Because of the continuous degradation for the lack of quirk, he wasn't blind to the flaw of society. It lacks balance and fairness. It judges people by quirks. And this flaw is what creates strong heroes and scary villains. Izuku hated it as someone who experience the damage firsthand. The existence of heroes and villains for Izuku was laughable. Using violence to show off quirks, encouraging civilians to watch hero fights. He has to admit that it was a bit entertaining. But he decided to ignore these matters and consider them inconvenient.

Izuku sat on his seat silently reading a novel. The lesson was something he already knew. English was very easy for someone who watched famous pre-quirk documentaries and movies. The teacher called his name. "Midoriya-kun. Please translate the sentence." Izuku stood up and took a look at the book, "When finally, he fully made succeeded in making his dream a reality, he was immersed in beatitude." the teacher smiled at him. "As always Midoriya-kun. The perfect answer." he praised. Midoriya could hear Bakugou's arrogant scoff. It was satisfying to his ears even though he knows he'll take a beating before going home. Not that he'd mind seeing Bakugou making a fool of himself, for sure UA won't tolerate such arrogance and misbehavior. Midoriya turned to the window, seeing the afternoon sky. 'Ah, class is almost over.'

It didn't take more than five minutes for the bell to ring. He was about to leave when Bakugou stopped his tracks. Putting a hand over his shoulder, smoke seeping out of the bully's hand. Midoriya wondered how his uniform isn't burnt yet. He decided to let Bakugou talk crap. It would just come in and out of his ears anyway. Everything was going fine until the blonde decided to throw the novel out of the window. Izuku glared at Bakugou. As he thought, inconvenient. Izuku stood up, thinking it was the end of it. Boy was he wrong.

Katsuki decided to let his mouth go overboard. "Take a swan dive off the roof of the building," he said. The door slammed shut leaving Izuku alone in the classroom. Midoriya pressed a button on his phone from his pocket. A smirk crept up his face. Lately, he has had this habit of recording Kacchan's insults. Of course, he probably won't use any of them in the future, But this one, in particular, is enough to get him kicked out of UA. Good blackmail material. He hid the phone for safety. Exiting the building to go to the koi pond where his novel had landed. "that's not fish food." he said to the fishes as if it would understand him. He picked up the book wiping it with his sleeves. He was walking away but he heard a soft thud behind him. He looked back and saw a notebook that wasn't there before.

Curious. Izuku snooped around the unknown thing—notebook. He read the English letters. "Death Note" He muttered. He picked up the black notebook since he found the words familiar. He hid it in his bag and made his way out of campus grounds. He decided to go to his favorite cafe. A quiet place where the corner seat is always open for him. A corner where he can't be bothered.

He ordered his usual chocolate shake then made his way to the quiet corner. He took out the notebook and flipped it open. More English. He furrowed his brows. 'Why is it in English?' he read what seemed to be rules quietly.

1. The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

2. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

3. If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.

4. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.

5. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Reading the first rule had already sent alarms in his head. But reading what follows made him doubt that this was a joke. Convincing himself it was a prank, he laughed and thought 'how stupid'. He tucked the notebook in his bag again then left, not bothering to finish his milkshake.

He went home not bothering to greet anybody. He knows her mom is still at work. He planned out the rest of his day for studying but— it still bothers him. He sighed, he can't even concentrate on the easy assignment. He turned on the news. Maybe his mom's department has caught new criminals. Izuku preferred the term rather than villains. Mrs. Midoriya works at a local police station as a secretary or front desk. She works alongside detective Tsukauchi.

Izuku internally celebrated when it was announced that one serial killer was finally going to meet his death sentence tomorrow. Of course, Izuku knew that he shouldn't be happy about a person's death but he thinks that this person deserves it. Ryoko Haizaki. The killer's name. Suddenly, a suggestion entered his mind. He believed no normal person would even consider it. He takes out the notebook from his yellow bag. Pushing the button of his pen, he opened the first writing page. Ryoko Haizaki. He wrote. Nothing really felt off. He thought a feeling would go through his body, like a shiver of some sort but nothing. He laughed. What stupidity is he even doing? Falling for a prank. But Izuku does swear to himself that 'Death Note' is in the corners of his mind. it was so familiar it itches his neck. He decided to do his assignment in the morning and best to sleep off.

The next morning, he woke up earlier than usual. It wasn't a surprise since he slept earlier than usual too. Just the same time as his mother woke up. "Good morning mom" he greeted in the kitchen. "I'll prepare breakfast. I heard you have unfinished cases from the news. Which meant unfinished files." Inko nodded, still waving the sleep out of his soul. She yawned. "Izuku? What are you doing up? Your school starts in two more hours. And it takes only fifteen minutes to get there."

"I slept early yesterday. I have homework to do." He answered. Izuku cooked breakfast as he said. He does this while his mother was preparing for work. It was a simple egg and rice meal. The mayo and ketchup come after. He sets the table for two and they said their thanks. It was never quiet at the dining table. Izuku would always tell about his yesterdays to his mother. She rarely meets him for dinner. And her mother would do the same. There were times where he went to the police station to meet her there. He ended up helping the police on one or two cases. So he was an honorary detective. "Mom, about the serial killer. He's going to be executed today right?" Inko stilled for a moment. But she couldn't lie to Izuku. "Actually, he died earlier. It was unexpected." Izuku perked up but managed to keep his surprise under the wraps. "What happened?" He asked. "Well, he had a heart attack last night, time around 8:30," she answered. Inko looked bothered and Izuku asked what bothers her. "His medical files say he's completely healthy."

It was just another conversation about their affiliations but this one has left a taste in Izuku's mouth. Though he's not yet sure whether it was bitter or sweet. 'Haa...' Izuku sighed as his mother left for work. Homework was very easy. Finishing it within ten minutes proved so. He had much time to spare for researching about the death note. He opened the computer and searched for the notebook. Results had shown why it was so familiar. He had once watched the documentary of that famous Kira case that happened pre-quirk era about a century ago. Very famous because the existence of a mere notebook had created mass murder. 

To think that Shinigamis do exist! What's Izuku to be surprised about? Quirks themselves were supposed to be impossible before the human body evolved. Heck, the evolution was a miracle. Yet, it is also what causes his suffering now. Searching at the past, Izuku felt bitter. If he lived back at that time then he wouldn't face this discrimination. Izuku shook his head. Right now, he should do some good with the notebook. Like what Kira did. No one would beat the weak, bullies will be afraid, crimes rates would lessen, corrupt heroes would be eliminated. Izuku smiled at the idea. Creating a peaceful world! Imagine being the judge between good and evil. He's practically a god. "Easy there kid,"  Izuku must've been muttering his sick fantasies because someone interrupted him. He turned around only to see a terrifying creature. He gasped lightly. he couldn't help but mutter it out loud. "Shinigami."

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