The Maid Dress Pt.2

Start from the beginning

I get that he calls everyone "muffin", but i especially like it when he calls me muffin.

Makes me feel good in some way.

~Bad POV~

My alarm noisily wakes me up, along with the bright rays from the sun shinning through my thin curtains. I pick my phone up, turn off my alarm and look at the time. 11:16AM. Today felt special for some reason and i couldnt quite think of why. I dont usually set an alarm either.. A friends birthday? A meeting? An event? I didnt know. I sat up and stretched, yawning while doing so. I rub my eyes until i start to see those colors and patterns and open them, staring face to face with an unopened amazon box.

"OH MY GOODNESS" I sprang off the bed and knelt down to my package, half to open it, and half because i was still half asleep and lightheaded from getting up so fast. Grabbing the nearest pair of scissors, i use one blade to cut the tape. Inside was a nice suit and pants in one bag, gloves and a bowtie in another, smaller, bag, and finally extra buttons in the smallest bag.'I completely forgot about this!' I took all the separate bags out and cut them open. Sadly, as i was looking at everything, the outfit didnt come with a white button down shirt. 'Good thing i have some'. I pull out mine from the closet and bring it over to my little space on the floor. I grabbed the box to throw it into my trash corner when i heard something else inside. 'Bells?' I thought. I was really confused since the only things that i was expecting to come already arrived, and i was literally holding it.


Oh no..

Cat ears. The thing that was inside the box was cat ears. Fluffy cat ears with bells. But when i looked at it on the website i didnt see any cat ears. 'Surely im not gonna have to wear them. Skeppy wouldnt make we wear them.'

But what if he wanted me to...

Would he wear them?

Ill ask him before the stream....


The stream is supposed to start in a few hours! I cant believe i almost forgot.
I put the cat ears on the ground and scrambled onto my feet pushing the box against the wall.

Looking around, the floor wasn't super dirty, but there were bits a pieces of trash or clothes here and there. I decided to throw away whatever trash there was and put the dirty clothes in the hamper, and the ones i wasn't sure of under the bed. Im sure chat wouldn't care but still, its more for me. And im not sure im gonna use the green screen today since im gonna have to show off the outfit, so, maybe its a good thing to clean. It is a butler outfit anyways.

I open up the amazon tab again to take one more look at the suit. 'Surely i didnt miss the cat ears, what if they didnt even mean to send it?' I was scrolling through some of the pictures and sure enough on the second to last slide, there they were. The cat ears. How could i have missed them? 'Whatever. Lets just get ready' i pull up teamspeak, twitch, and OBS, assuming im gonna have the vod posted one of my channels.


I look over at my phone trying to see what made it light up. A text. A text from Skeppy.
''Good Morning''
"Good morning Muffin! Are you excited about today?"
I texted him back excitedly. I always look forward to his Good Morning texts, of course, in a way that friends do.
Cause friends always get butterflies when they hear their friends morning/sleepy voices on call.


All the time.

And they hope the other has the same feelings.

'Gosh, you're hopeless... There's no way he thinks of you like that. Stop getting your hopes up'

I put the palms of my hands against my eyes and groaned. I dont know when these feelings started happening, or if I've accepted them, or if i even think that they're real and not forced. I haven't had a real crush in a long time, and seeing everyone else around me get settled down with someone or talk about who they like,i guess, might have made me force myself to have a crush on Skeppy? But then again, i still don't know if i do really like him.
Maybe the thought of him not liking me back is making me second guess myself.

Im pretty sure everybody has had the thought of kissing their bestfriend and most probably dont like it or some do.
And I've thought about it a lot.
And maybe i do like the thought of it.

And sometimes it doesnt end with just an innocent kiss. Not saying i take it that far.

'Who am i kidding, of course you like him.'

God, i do like him. I like him a lot, actually. I like his smile, i like his laugh, i love his voice, i like the way he constantly runs his fingers through his hair over and over, most likely subconsciously, swooshing it to one side, then the other, then just going up and back. I love the little giggles he does when he talks or is trying to sound inconspicuous. The way he has his hoodie sleeves past his hands makes him look so innocent. And when he rests his face on his hand and looks in the camera...

''I swear, that boy's gonna be the death of me'' I say under my breath while laughing.

I look at my phone to check the time and noticed Skeppy texted back.

S-"Am i excited? Of course! A little nervous but since you're gonna be there with me, what's there to worry about"

He sent another as i was reading.

S-"Anyways im gonna go shower and get ready. Ill call you, say, 3-3:30?"
B-"Sounds good, muffin. Ill get ready too, talk in a little bit!"

It was about 12:50pm now. Had it really been that long since i woke up?. Time does fly i guess.


Ladies, Gentlemen, and everybody in between, i finally got the motivation to try and finish this oneshot. I know its short and im gonna have to make a part 3 but i wanted to get something out for you guys. But since school is started back up soon I may not be consistently posting.

Anyways, i really hope you guys enjoyed this part so far and i look forward to seeing your feedback.

Have a wonderful day, night, or whatever it may be where you live. I love you all.
So long, and goodnight
Word count: 1,800

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