Departure and Broken Hearts-Goodbye

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Five people. It was four years of living on cloud nine. Four people. It's the result of broken hearts and nostalgic feelings about back to when it was five people.

I can't seem to fully express my emotions on the matter at hand better than the word heartbreak. Many may think it to be a bit petulant and over exaggerated that I even mourn over something so 'unimportant'. This may be true for some but in my case it's just four years sort of taken from me. I wouldn't say I regret it because I don't. These last four years have been anything but a waste. In fact if I were to sum up these last four years into one word it'd be greatness.

One direction have been a medicine for my pain in so may ways possible. I feel now that were one down the dosage has been cut back. I will and will always continue to show my support but it will not be possible for me to ever do it with a full heart. Four years of my development were put into an encased box that is likely to be opened fifty years from now when I'm nearing death. It hurt real bad for one to feel like he just up and left. I know it not must have been the hardest for me to withstand but it definitely wasn't a fly by. Arduous would probably be a good word for a struggle like this. It drains you to know how much time and dedication you put into something only for it to result into something broken.

I guess what I'd really like to say is I love the family I've built in these past four years. And just because a member has left doesn't mean the whole family has to break apart. We are not alone in this and we have to know that. We need to lean on one another and stay a family. I love all you guys and I'd just thought I'd let you know.

So please don't cause self harm.
Please don't try to kill yourself.
And don't do anything stupid.

We all know either one of these things will result in people calling are feelings on the matter stupid or exaggerated. Don't give people the opportunity to do that.

Don't cause self harm.
Don't try to kill your self.
Don't do anything stupid.

He doesn't want that.

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