Chapter one

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(Emma is 13, the same age as Peter Pan)
Lost boy
                                I am a lost boy, from neverland, usually hanging out with, Peter Pan, and when we're
                                                      Bored we play in the woods, always on the run from, Captain Hook
                                                                                Run, run, lost boy, they say to me

Emma Rose sat in her last class for the day, English. Her teacher, Miss Jessica Walters, had let them listen to music in class. So naturally, she was listening to her favorite song, lost boy, on repeat.
Emma hummed the song while reading Peter Pan for what seemed like the hundredth time. To say she was obsessed with Peter Pan was an understatement.

She had watched all the movies, read the book and read fan fictions about it on an app called wattpad. She even watched once upon a time, season three. The ouat Peter Pan was super hot, but the 2003 one was handsome. It was hard to decide which one she liked better. Once the bell rang, she put her book away and paused her music. When Miss Walters let them leave with a smile, Emma was the first to leave.

She paused for a second, playing her music again, and than continued walking through the school corridors. She waved goodbye to a lot of kids, because she was popular for helping a lot of kids with their homework and becoming a good friend to them.

Swaying her head to the music, she stopped at the book store. She changed her music for a while, from Lost Boy by Ruth B, to Happier than ever by Billie Eilish. It was her second favorite song after Lost Boy.
She walked inside the shop, and gave the shopkeeper a wave. Emma was here regularly, so the shopkeeper made sure to remind her of the new Peter Pan or Harry Potter related books.

Looking around the shop, Emma counted the money in her pockets. She had around $30 from saving all of her lunch money and tutoring money. Emma didn't really find a book she liked, so she left with a goodbye. Emma skipped the rest of the way to her home. Unlocking the door with her key, Emma got in and took a deep breath of her homes scent. It smelled like books and old furniture.

Her parents wouldn't be home until 5 pm so Emma had about 3 hours to practice using her piano and singing happier than ever. It was a habit by now, and she alway started practicing on 2:15 pm.

"I don't relate to you, I don't relate you no, cause I'd never treat me like this, you made me hate this city!" Emma sang out loud as she played her piano. Her neighbours were used to this, so when Emma finished singing, she heard a round of applause coming from next door, and muffled cheering. Emma was their source of entertainment, and everyday, she would add lyrics of her own, or maybe sing a song she had created.

After a while, Emma retired to her room to get some homework done. She put her phone on charge and waited for it to charge to a 100% before taking it off and putting it in her jacked pocket. She took her AirPods off and recharged them, while making a new song. Emma tapped her pencil, thinking. She was working on a song that she had made, named wonderland.

She gave up. Making things on an empty stomach never worked with Emma. She ran down stairs and grabbed a nice, cold coke from the fridge and made herself some instant ramen. As she waited, she thought she heard something. Emma looked around. Even though she was a teenager, she was still frightened by the dark and monsters and things like that.
Yet very stupidly, she watches a lot of horror movies, so she jumps at every noise. She shrugged it of as nothing, and continued making her rames. Once Emma had made them, and eaten it, she grabbed her half full coke and ran back upstairs.

After writing a few lyrics of her song, Emma starts to feel dizzy. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples, but it did nothing. She opened her eyes and started to see black around her vision. Emma's head started pounding, the room was getting darker, she was getting dizzier and there was a ringing noise in her ears. She took a sip of her coke. It helped a little, but not enough. She got up from her desk and instantly regretted doing that. Her legs felt like jelly and she stumbled, trying to reach her bed in case she blacked out. But Emma's eyes soon rolled back in her head and she fell to the ground, her head hitting the bed post and cracking her forehead, the back of her head lying in a pool of blood.


Emma was having weirdly vivid dreams. They seemed so, real looking. The dreams came in pieces. First, she was in a car, when it crashed. Then, she was in a small, yet cozy looking, room where a women was putting a wet rag over her forehead. And yet again she was somewhere else, yet this time in what seemed to be a children's room with a girl and two boys looking at her. Suddenly, Emma began to wake up. The room was blurry, but she could just make out the faces of three kids watching her.

"Mother! Mother! She's awake!" The girl said. Emma blinked twice as her vision began to clear. She seemed to be in a cozy room that had three other beds and a lot of toys. The children came back with a women that seemed to be in her thirties.

"Good morning dear. Are you alright? You were in a car accident and the doctor is saying that you have suffered amnesia." The women said.
"O-Oh I'm fine." Emma said. She couldn't help but think that the woman seemed familiar. Maybe she was someone her mother knew? Her mother did have a lot of friends. But who was her mother? And where was she?
"What happened?" Emma asked. She strained her brain to search for the answer, but could remember nothing.
"You where in a car accident, and your parents died in the hospital. I knew your mother from before, and her last wish was for you to stay with me." The strange woman explained. Emma couldn't remember the accident. Suddenly, all of her memories came back, along with a headache.

Emma groaned and leaned her head back on the pillow, slightly closing her eyes. The woman shoed her children away, and put another wet rag on her forehead." The doctors are saying that you had a high temperature ,and that your head hitting some metal wasn't helping." The woman said. Emma, meanwhile, wasn't really listening. She was relieving her memories. She remembered being home alone, making some food, feeling dizzy, blacking out, hitting her head on the bedpost. She also remembered reading Peter Pan, watching the movies, watching the show, listing to music about it. She remembered where she saw the strange woman. Emma saw her playing as Mrs Darling, in Peter Pan.

"Wha- whats your name?" Emma stuttered, dreading the answer.

"My name? Oh! My name is Mary Darling." She said, and She fainted once again.

Word count: 1233 words


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