Alexandriana Potter

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On the 12th of March, 1973, James' sister was born. Her name was Alexandriana Euphemia Potter.
"That's a ridiculous name Mum" James argued. Fleamont winked at his son.
"I think it's poetic" said Euphemia crossly
"Whatever, I'm calling her Alex, Lexi or even just Lex" said James. Just then, Alexandriana's hair turned from black to blue.
"She's a metamorphagus, why am I the boring one" huffed James.
"I'd hardly call you boring Jamesie boy, who was it who woke us up with Dung bombs on his first day of Hogwarts" asked Fleamont. James grinned.
"I guess I can't be super smart, an amazing prankster and change my looks" James said.
*one year later*
"Nympha" Alexandriana babbled.
"Fleamont, Fleamont! Alexandriana just spoke" Euphemia called
"What'd she say" asked Fleamont, entering the room.
"Nympha" Euphemia explained
"That's not a word" argued Fleamont
"Nymphradora" said Alexandriana
"But that is" said Euphemia stubbornly
"Yeah, I suppose it is" agreed Fleamont
"Nymphradora" Alexandriana repeated.
Alexandriana and Nymphradora Tonks were the same age. Her mother, Andromeda Tonks, was actually Sirius Black's cousin. Sirius had suggested that The Tonks and the Potters let their daughters play together.
Nymphradora and Alexandriana had a fair bit in common too. Both were metamorphaguses and both frowned every time someone said their full name. They got on like a house on fire.
Later that month Euphemia received an owl from Andromeda.
Dear 'Mia,
Would you and Alexandriana like to come over to our place on Saturday, Nymphradora has a new trick and I thought she'd like to show Alexandriana. Owl asap.
On Saturday, Euphemia Potter dressed her daughter in a white dress and then they made their way to the Tonks household.
They were greeted at the door by Andromeda and Nymphradora. Nymphradora was also wearing a white dress, her hair was pink and she was repeatedly saying
"Nymphradora" said Alexandriana excitedly.
"Dora" said Nymphradora
"Lex" said Alexandriana
"Well that's a new one" both mothers remarked.
"They're going to be best friends" smiled Andromeda
"It's inevitable" agreed Euphemia.
Whilst the women were chatting, they weren't watching the babies. Nymphradora had taken it into her own hands to grab a snack from the table.
Fortunately the step stool was left out so she wouldn't hurt herself.
Unfortunately the food on the table was mulberries.
Alexandriana and Nymphradora got bored of eating after a while and decided that squishing the mulberries onto the floor was a better activity.
Then they had the bright idea to wipe their hands on each other.
Let's just say they both ended up with a purple dress that day.

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