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Regina looked into her bathroom mirror.

“How did I wake up so soon?” She asked her reflection. “I was supposed to be asleep for a lot longer than that.” She said. “And who was that man?” She shook her head, she thought about before she took the potion. But something went wrong. The curse took away memories. Was he a part of those memories? “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted her, why did she even want to give me that option anyway. Why can’t I remember anything about her?”


Robin knocked on Regina's door.  

"Who's there?” she asked from behind it.

"It’s me.” He looked at the door, hoping she would open it.

“I already told you, I don’t know who you are.” she said through the door.

“I know but if you would just let me in, I could help you remember.” He said. Robin put his hand on the door where Regina had hers on the other side. She opened the door slowly. Just enough to see Robin.

“What do you want?” She said, almost tired of asking the same question. Regina looked into his eyes. She could see something in them. Something she hasn’t seen in a very long time.

“You.” He said. Regina started to feel something, but brushed it away.

“You shouldn’t be here.” her voice shook a little but she kept her chin up.

“You have forgotten a lot of really amazing and wonderful memories Regina. I’m here to help you remember them.” Regina caught her breath. There was something about this man that made her feel something she hasn’t felt since the last time she was in love. But Regina held her composure.

“My memories are fine. If I was supposed to remember you, I think I would.”

“Robin.” Robin turned around to see Marian walking to them. “What are you doing here?” She asked him, but staring past at Regina.

“And who the hell are you?” Regina questioned angrily, returning Marian’s hate filled glare. “Actually, you know what I don’t care. Both of you, leave. Now.” Regina said and turned to close the door.

“Regina wait.” Robin started but it was too late, she was already gone he turned to Marian. “Marian, what are you doing here?” He asked her, frustrated.

“I came to see why my husband keeps running off. I don’t see her as a good reason for it.” Marian nodded towards Regina’s house.

“Marian, please. Stop. Something’s wrong. She doesn’t remember me.” Robin paused, “Or you.” Robin looked back at the house and saw Regina looking out one of her living room windows before turning away. “Why doesn’t she remember you?”

“Who cares!” Marian yelled and threw her hands up in the air. “Her forgetting about us is probably a sign that you two aren’t meant to be. You are my husband. You made a commitment to me.” Robin mashed his teeth together.

“We need to leave. Roland is probably waiting for us.” He grumbled, changing the subject.


Regina sat down, staring into the fireplace. She looked up and saw the pictures of her and Henry on the mantle. But there were some of her and “Robin?” she whispered. “Who are you?” she asked herself. She shook her head. “Who cares? If I was supposed to remember you I would.”  She said taking the pictures from the mantle. She started taking the pictures out of their frames. She put one after the other into the fire. But there was one she couldn’t seem to let go.

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