Single Chapter (English)

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London was hot that afternoon, but still lively, the sky was a mixture of pink and orange, the little six-color flags were evenly distributed everywhere in that neighbourhood, it was pretty obvious where they were, but they didn't care after all after all, no one there would judge them, because they were like them.

Suddenly the two saw a couple coming out of an ice cream parlor, the two women, excited, began to dance, the two in turn found the dance interesting, and began to imitate them; they went to the right; they went right, they went left; they went to the left, but at one point in the dance the women kissed, the kiss exuded; passion, desire, need and several other feelings, the two looked at each other as if they were looking for approval in their faces, to do the same as the couple, so one of them had an attitude, and took the lips of the bigger one, and this same kiss, overflowed; passion and innocence, making it a pure kiss.

The truth is, they liked each other for a while, but how could they tell?
They were just teenagers and they didn't know if their parents would support it.

But, that same afternoon, the little one managed to say those 3 words that he had never said to anyone.

"I love you"

And luckily, it was reciprocal.

Arco-Irís🌈// Rainbow🌈Where stories live. Discover now