Michonne x Reader

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Warning: platonic love, platonic fluff, cursing

Description: you and machone are besties and you're basically just having a cute 4liferz moment <3

  The prison is cold and dark, and you don't like it all that much but you're glad that you settled here. If you hadn't you probably wouldn't have met your best friend in the whole world. You still remember the day Michonne stumbled over to the fence, covered in all kinds of gross things. She brought formula for Judith, how she knew about her was beyond you but you were all still very grateful for her kindness. You were in charge of bringing her food since Rick wouldn't let her leave. You remember the first night you brought her a meal, you walked up to her nervously and smiled an uncertain smile. She could sense your discomfort and smiled warmly at you. Let's just say that changed everything, you had learned not to trust new people but she was so nice and funny that you had no reason not to trust her.

  You would talk, and laugh and just enjoy each other's company. No one else really trusted her but you knew she wouldn't hurt anyone. She sort of became like a big sister to you.

  "Michonne! Are you hungry?" You ask kindly as you walked over with some food for you both to enjoy, she smiled at you and nodded, "Definitely Y/N." You sat down next to her and handed her some food, "This is all we have left but it's better than nothing!" You say reassuringly. She nods, "I understand. I'm just grateful to have food." she replied understandingly. Today's dinner was bread and some beans. Not the worst meal you've ever had but it could be better. You both sat silently as you ate your food. "Michonne are you going to leave us? I don't want you too..." You say breaking the silence that had grown between the two of you. She sighed and looked up at you, "I don't know Y/N, but if I do I promise to come visit you as much as possible." She said smiling warmly. You give a half hearted smile and nod.

  The next day rolled around and Michonne wasn't in her usual spot anymore. The smile you had on faded as you wandered around the prison looking for her, "Hey Carl have you seen Michonne?" You ask the blue eyed boy. He shakes his head and you sigh and continue looking. You come to a hallway and stop in the middle, looking at the floor sadly you mutter, "I guess she left..." You feel warm tears well up in your eyes but quickly wipe them away once you hear a familiar voice, "I'd never leave you Y/N." You look up and see Michonne standing there grinning at you, you run up to her and hug her. "Please don't ever leave Michonne. I love you too much to lose you!" You mutter as she squeezes you tight, "I won't leave you I promise. I love you too little one."

Just to specify Y/N is a kid in this story. Around 12 or 13 was how I imagined them. Anyway this isn't my best work and I completely forgot to update this story regularly. I'm a student and I'm anemic and those two don't make a good combo so I'm always exhausted after school!

Anywaaay I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you for reading <3


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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