CHAPTER 40- I. Freaking. Hate. Mondays. Period.

Start from the beginning

"Jeez, calm down, I'm here safe and sound. Isn't that what matters?"

"Yes it does but you have got to be more careful Ninu," he raised his voice.

"Arjun I was in a hurry, I had work to do, I had people to report to unlike you!" I too raise my voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Arjun, I do not own a company like you. I am like the rest of the employees who are working for you, plus I'm a doctor, patients come at any point and as doctors, we need to be available for them. I can't exactly come and go as I please, I have my timings fixed and since I was not around for 2 weeks, there is a heavy work load. I have so many reports to submit in 2 days, I have my patients to see. And even if I have fixed timings, sometimes I'll be done early sometimes it'll get late and there are situations where I might have to stay the night at the hospital." I take a deep breath.

"Even if I own a company, I have my responsibilities. And even if I own the company, I am still an employee like everyone else in that building." his voice became hard.

"Arjun, I never denied it. You do have your responsibilities and you fulfill and execute each of them with perfection and I admire that but that's not my point. My point is, even if you miss your work you have your employees who can make up for your absence, but I don't. Yes there are other doctors available in the hospital but handing your patients over to them is not advised unless its an emergency. If I just hand over a women who went into labour to someone else they would find it a little difficult because I know my patient better than him or her. I would know what to do, how to do better than them because I'm the one who had been examining the women's reports and stats from the beginning. The other doctor would find it difficult because in order for them to perform the surgery they would have to through every single detail from scratch because we are talking about two or more human being's life here and they won't have that much time to go through everything. Time is extremely precious in these situations. So, you need to understand that there might be days when I'm late or days when I'm early and if I forget to send to a message or call you or I don't answer your calls, you have to remember that I might be busy like I was today." I finish as I lower my voice and take another deep breath and now I'm so close to dying.

Great I just yelled at him and took all my frustration out on him.

"I'm just asking you to be careful," he stood up and turned around to leave.

"No Arjun wait-" I sighed getting up and standing in front of him "-look, I'm sorry alright? Its just...its been one hell of a day and I'm really exhausted and...and annoyed and frustrated and my head and feet hurt from running and reading since morning, that now all I want to do is cry and get mad everyone and because of that I just...I took it out all on you." I tried explaining...well I was blabbering mostly. He gave me a have amused and half...confused...look I guess.

"I'm sorry for yelling I shouldn't have done that and I will make sure to inform you about my whereabouts in case I get late from work next time. I'm sorry," I say quickly and softly without meeting his eyes and walk out before he could even open his mouth.

I run up to our room and change into my comfortable cloths then walk in the kitchen not before checking whether Arjun was there or not. Once I was sure he wasn't, I took my bag from the counter and made my way to the rooftop and sat by the poolside.

At least the sky is calm unlike my head which is no less than a thunderstorm inside. I open the files, rub my temples and prepare myself for the journey where I hurt my already hurting head and eyes.

God help me.


Halfway through my work, I rub my neck and stretch a little. I check the time, 9:30pm. Right now, I wanna crash the bed and never leave.

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