Story 69: The Writer's Scheme

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The Writer's SchemeBy antan_hannya

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The Writer's Scheme
By antan_hannya

This story is something which requires a standing ovation for the unique and such a differentiated work. I think this is one of the best plots across the stories I have come through.

This story is a WangXian Modern AU and believe me when I say that it is so well written and presented that it has just blown my mind away.

The suspense element which keeps you on the edge till the very last is awesome. It has the capacity to keep you hooked into it throughout and believe me when I say that I am not exagerating.

You can have my words that it won't dissappoint you and is highly and absolutely recommendable to you all.

The plot is as follow

The plot is as follow

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Suggested ReadingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora