BP High #1: 1st Encounter

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Mrs Kim hits her husband's arm slightly and says to the principal, "I think it is a good plan. Do start as soon as possible. We can also pay her for her time and also feel free to help her with her recommendation letters if she needs them."

"Of course, Chaerin, don't worry too much about the administrative." Principal Kang replies, almost beaming with his eyesmile, glad that everything is going well and that the Kims will continue to invest in the school.

- After Class -

Jisoo heads off to the principal's office after class while her clique goes off for recess. Before leaving, she reminds them to get her a sandwich and banana milk just in case the meeting runs long. Soon, she reaches the office and waits outside, hoping that it is about some positive stuff since she has never been to any principal's office throughout her academic life. She takes a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in!" She hears the principal call out to her. She twists the doorknob and she feels an unsettling feeling in her tummy.

"Oh, you must be Jisoo. Come in." She sees the principal beaming at her but she sees 2 other unfamiliar people in the room.

"Principal Kang, am I interrupting your meeting?"

"No, of course not, just come in, take a seat beside Mr and Mrs Kim, two of them are the board of directors of the school."

She greets them with a 90 degrees bow before taking a seat next to Mr Kim.

"You see, the reason why I got Mr Lee to tell you to meet me here because you are chosen for a very special task."

"I know you are busy preparing for CSAT as a senior but you know, life isn't only about studying and preparing for that major exam. Research shows that teaching others is a good way of showing your mastery of the subject..."

Soon, Jisoo is lost. With how Mr Kang is rambling off and beating around the bush, she has lost track of the main reason that Principal Kang has called her to his office.

Soon, her ears pick up the key detail of the meeting from Principal Kang's mouth, "you are chosen to tutor Ms Jennie Kim."

"I am sorry, what did you say?"

"You are going to tutor Ms Kim."

Reality sinks into her. She has heard of Jennie Kim. The most popular sophomore in the sophomore cohort. She soon connects the dots, Mr and Mrs Kim sitting beside her are definitely Jennie's parents. She turns to look at them and sees Mrs Kim beaming at her, almost too kindly and Mr Kim, on the other hand, is staring at her as if she cannot mess up the task.

"I am sorry Principal Kang, I don't think I am qualified to tutor Ms Kim. I think there are hagwons around the area that are good. Even the after school classes provided by the school is good. Maybe Jennie can join us in these sessions."

Even though Jisoo has taken up a few responsibilities in her life, this isn't a responsibility she can handle at her tender age of 18.

"Jisoo, I don't think you have a choice. You are highly recommended by Mr Lee and the other teachers agree too. You can also take this chance to revise your sophomore work. An opportunity that not anyone else has."

Jisoo sighs internally and before she can even speak, the door opens, and someone enters the room.

"Principal Kang, did you call for me?" says the person.

Jisoo turns around and speaking of the devil, the person who is responsible for this situation, Jennie Kim.

"Yes, Jennie. Have a seat," says principal Kang and the younger makes her way to the seat next to her mother.

"Since Jennie is here, we will start off with some introduction. Jennie, this is your tutor, Jisoo. She is a senior and on the same track as you. Learn a lot from her, ask many of questions, this way you will do better in school."

Jennie frowns and looks at her other before whining, "Mom, what is this all about? Why do I need a tutor?"

Mrs Kim's heart almost goes out to her daughter but she reasons with the stubborn girl, "dearie, your grades are really not good enough for college. Just give this a try. Jisoo is really good. You will like her."


Jisoo is looking at Principal Kang, hoping that he would agree with Jennie but instead he turns his attention to Mr Kim. Mr Kim sighs and takes off his spectacles before cleaning them with his handkerchief.

"Jennie, this decision is final. Your tutoring starts today," says Mr Kim and he leans against the chair after putting on his thick-rimmed spectacles.

"No!" with that the younger stands and exits the principal's office, not forgetting to slam the door shut.

"I apologise for my daughter's behaviour, Jisoo. My wife will give her a text, just be sure to reach out and start a session today. Don't worry, we will do anything in return for your time," says Mr Kim as he turns to speak to the senior student.

"Alright, Mr Kim and Mrs Kim. I will do that. Principal Kang, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave."

"Of course, it is recess right. Go ahead, I will inform the teacher taking your class in the next period that you had a meeting with me, so you are allowed to take a longer break."

"Thank you Principal Kang, Mr Kim and Mrs Kim," says Jisoo as she bows to the principal and the board of directors before closing the door lightly.

Jisoo finally sighs as she leans gently against the door. The huge burden on her shoulders, it feels annoying. Rather than moping on it, she decides to head off to the cafeteria to meet her friends and update them about the meeting.

- At the cafeteria -

"You are tutoring Jennie Kim?"

Hwasa clarifies after hearing the story from Jisoo. She doesn't know if this would be considered as a good news given the hoobae's reputation.

Soon, Jisoo feels the burden on her shoulders again and exhales with a deep sigh before complaining, "apparently I am, I couldn't say no. Her parents were at the principal's office."

"That . She's rather infamous for being rebellious," replies Wheein as she takes a bite of her chips.

Jisoo laughs and replies continues the conversation, "I could tell. She barged into the office like she owned the place."

"Technically she is, her parents are the board of directors," says Wheein as she shows a Naver page of Mr Kim Seunghyun.

"Wow, billionaire tycoon, holds the majority of the shares of BP High..." Hwasa reads out aloud.

"No wonder our school is something..." Jisoo utters out.

Nayeon chuckles at Jisoo's reaction and soon, their conversation is interrupted by someone.

"Hey, you are Kim Jisoo right?"

Jisoo turns around to see The Jennie Kim in front of her. Jisoo scoffs internally. She is still the senior between them, how can the sophomore drop her use of honorifics. Even calling her sunbaenim would be nice.

"Let's meet at the library after class." With that, the younger walks away, with her group of friends and fans trailing behind her.

"Rude much," comments Wheein, trying to not get annoyed with the hoobae that just walked away.

"It's alright. Jisoo, finish up your food and we can all head back together."

Jisoo munches on the last few bites of her sandwich and takes her half-drunk milk with her back to class.

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