
3.3K 48 35

if you've been someone who has touched any of the subjects below then i mean no offence, this is purely my opinions on the matter and my explanation on it all. it is not directed towards anyone


- info -

i've never really taken a liking towards books or passages of any sort, i'd usually just decline any sorts of it or have a negative attitude towards it. but one of my friends mentioned this amazing app to me and I was like, "pfffftttt who would want to read books especially digital books?" yet they still convinced me...
And im incredibly glad they did! i can't explain how much i love wattpad, i think the reason i took a liking towards this app compared to regular reading was because here you can find any book genre or theme possible and feel more included within it all.

im a very artistic person and have quite a creative aspect to things. i thoroughly enjoy drawing and photography. im also a huge marvel fan!

i tend to forget to add good/important parts in and then later think i should of. or also add things in that make no sense to the story line. so if i do, i'm sorry as i understand it can make it rather confusing! but if you have any questions, do ask and i'll try my best to reply.


- clear stuff up -

i think a few of you guys have asked as to why our character in parts 7 and 16 (possibly others)  never protected herself with her powers.
for the question asked on part 7: "shivers"
Some of the reasons y/n never teleported was because;

1. she had just been hurt
2. in my story, teleporting is quite a draining power and due to her injury makes it harder
3. she were surrounded by avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D agents
4. she had just come back into contact with natasha romanoff, who she both despises and suffered the disappearance of

i don't know if this answers your question but to summarise it up,
we didn't use our powers because we were in both a painful and emotional situation.
y/n also hadn't announced or shown any sign of powers and wanted to keep it private at that moment in time.

and for parts 16: "ambushed" is pretty much the same thing above


- extras -

i can't thank you all enough for 30k+ reads!!! honestly it's unreal, It doesn't even seem that long ago that we were on 800 🎉

i'd like to say that i'm incredibly apologetic for the very slow uploads on chapters recently.
i went through quite a difficult time and had then returned back to school
after the holidays, so i've been quite busy. i know it's a crap excuse, i'm sorry again!

thank you to the people who have supported me and given multiple requests and suggestions!


- few questions for you all -

1. would you all rather me focus on updating this story or take turns about with my other one?
2. do you want Steve to be the "bully" for the whole story? or finally start to take a liking to y/n?
3. should y/n and natasha start to bond more with one another (have an 'intimate' moment) or shall i continue the uneasy relationship for a bit?

it would mean a lot of you could answer, as it helps me to know what you guys want to be added in the future to the  story, stay tuned for new parts! hope you all have a lovely week, stay safe lovelies<3


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