Chapter 28

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It only rang twice before Ava heard James' voice through her phone.

"Ava? Are you all right, doll?" his stern, deep voice sounded alarmed. The sound of his voice calmed Ava's pounding heart and the panicked fear was pushed back a little from her rationality again.

"James, I'm so sorry to call you in the middle of the night, but I can't get hold of Natasha and someone's been in my flat, I-" but before Ava could continue, James interrupted her.

"I'll be right there."

His voice sounded angry, frustrated. Ava was unsure if he was angry with her for calling so late. Deep down, she hoped he was worried about her and that was why he had sounded so tense. She stayed in her position on the floor in front of the door. Fear still caused goosebumps all over her body and every shadow shining through her window from the cars passing on the street outside made her breath quicken again.

After endless minutes of waiting, Ava heard a knock on the door. She winced, but then heard a familiar voice through the door, "Ava, it's me."

Relieved, Ava got up from the floor and opened the door. Without giving it another thought, she fell around James' neck and began to cry. Only now was all the tension she had felt since the stranger had touched her cheek easing. James put his arms around her tightly and hugged her to his chest. Ava felt so safe in his arms, she would have liked to just stand there forever. James slowly stroked his hand up and down her back as she let out her tears. They stood in the hallway for a while, only Ava's soft sobs piercing the silence of the night. Then James lifted Ava into his arms. Ava wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, every inch between them was an inch too much for her. His closeness soothed her.

James carried her over to her bed, laid her down and covered her with the sheets. He sat down beside her and waited until she had no more tears left and her breathing calmed down.

"Thank you," Ava said softly, looking at him.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" the sternness was gone from James' voice. He just sounded concerned now.

"I woke up because someone was touching my cheek. I don't know what he wanted. He wasn't rummaging through any cupboards, he was just standing there looking around." Ava squeezed her eyes tightly shut at the thought of the man.

"Could you see his face?" continued James in a half-whisper.

"No, it was too dark. But he was tall and slim." Ava didn't want to think about the man any longer.

"Okay, rest for now."

"Can you stay here? I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Of course," James replied, looking over at the sofa, but Ava grabbed him by the arm. She didn't need to say anything, James seemed to understand what she wanted. He lay down in bed with her, pulling her body close to his and gently stroking her hair until she fell asleep.

The next morning, Ava blinked sleepily at the empty space beside her. James was no longer in bed with her and disappointment spread through her. Then she noticed that music was playing – The Cure – and she sat up. James was standing at her small kitchen counter making toast and coffee. A grin spread across her face. Seeing James in her flat so naturally made her stomach tingle.

"Good morning," James greeted her with a wide smile as she sneaked up to him. She noticed how he was enjoying the sight of her a little too much – Ava really couldn't look that good in the morning. Only now did she remember that she was only wearing a shirt and some panties. James was still staring down at her. Her cheeks began to glow and she dug some shorts out of her closet. He had seen her naked before, but this uncertainty between them unsettled Ava.

Betrayal - A Bucky Barnes FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora