Chapter 21: The Battle of Mon Calamari

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"Nimbus, what do I owe the pleasure?" she greeted.

"I'm afraid is not quite pleasant. Do you remember the Force-sensitive kids you saved two years ago?"

Jaral barred her eyes. Of course she remembered them: Pipey and Alora. Jaral, Ezra and Kanan had saved them exactly from Nimbus when she was still an Inquisitor and the Fifth Brother. They had given them to Senator Organa, who used his contacts to bring them to safety, but since Nimbus had redeemed herself and put up her spy network, Jaral had asked her to take over the duty, since she herself was a Force-wielder and also knew how to hid them from any other possible Inquisitor.

"Has something happened to them?"

"Not yet, but I'm afraid Vader himself is closing on their position. I need your help to transfer them to Lothal. They will be safe there."

"All right, wait a moment..."

Jaral sent a call request to Ezra, who answered not long after and his hologram appeared as well. He was on the Constantinople, along with Sabine, to train with the Marines. Zeb had gone back to the Ghost for the space battle.

"Sis...Nimbus, what's happening?"

The Mirialan quickly repeated what she just told Jaral, who was instead thinking about what to do.

 The Mirialan quickly repeated what she just told Jaral, who was instead thinking about what to do

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"And that's it. I need your help to move them, guys. Or even a single one of you."

"Sis..." Ezra started, but Jaral already knew what he wanted to do.

"Yes. Ezra, take the Constantinople and go assist Nimbus wherever she needs you. I can't leave the fleet right now."

Ezra made a firm nod. "Nimbus, send me the coordinates for the meeting, we'll be there as soon as possible."

"Copy that. See you later, Bridger." and the Mirialan disappeared.

Jaral didn't turn around immediately and Ezra could perceive her anxiety. If Vader was really the one closing in, then this mission was going to be extremely dangerous.

"Sis." Ezra said tenderly.

Jaral took a breather and turned around, looking at her brother's eyes. Despite her fear, he was sporting a serene expression.

"We'll be okay. I know I can't defeat Vader, but I can slip away from him." he calmly stated.

Somehow, that sentence made her feel better. The little brother she had known for most of her life would have mindlessly charged into danger and screw the consequences. Kanan had been a great mentor and he taught the Padawan to not be overconfident despite his powers and abilities, and even if Jaral was fearful that Ezra might go back to be too cocky and get himself killed, it looked like he had definitely absorbed Kanan's teachings, and that reassured her.

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