[•Part 9•]

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I got a snack from the fridge and made coffee for us both then we returned to my room, yes my room because I am still refusing to accept the fact that I have to share a room with with that selfish monster.

I took a sip of my coffee and set it down besides me, Loki barley touched his because apparently he had had coffee before and wasn't a big fan of the beverage.

I sat down staring at the wall, I hate to admit it but I was terrified, now that Loki is free and I'm an avenger there's a 99% chance that Thor and I will meet and when we do he will not hesitate to turn me in. Yes I had escaped Asgard once and I knew I could do it again but there was still this wave of fear that would rush over me every time I thought of going back there. I think I'm more scared of seeing her than I am of actually going to Asgard or seeing Odin once more.

She killed my fiancé, she was one of the only people I trusted and cared for and she used that against me, she played me all because her lord asked her too...

"You're much stronger than her" Loki says all of a sudden.

"We're you reading my mind!?" I shout in defense.

"Well yes, but only because you were so quiet and you were staring at the wall without blinking I thought you had died or something" he responds.

"Next time, before you decide to invade my personal space call my name okay? Maybe I'm just zoning out, idiot"

"My apologies, but I am correct though, you are much stronger than her, she fears you, there is no need for you to fear her" he said looking into my eyes. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

"Don't push it" I say turning away from him.


It was already 10:30 when I came back to my room. Natasha had invited me to her room to help her plan a prank on Clint which I found childish but fun, yes I had left Loki alone but he didn't seem to have any intentions of escaping so I surprisingly found it in me to trust him and leave him alone in my room. When I walked in I saw him already asleep on my bed, I sighed as I picked up a pillow and a blanket from my closet and later down on the floor, there was no way in Hel I was going to sleep in the same bed as him. I later down and covered myself with the blanket and turning to my left which was facing the balcony, I smiled at the picture of Steve, Bucky, Rebecca and I before I fell asleep.

Word count :476

A/N: sorry this chapter was so short, I'll try to write more in the future I've just been really busy with school :)

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