How stupid.

It made him sick. 

His stomach physically rolling as he rested his chin on his knees, his arms wrapped around them making him appear like a small scared child despite turning nineteen more than six months ago. 

“Ah, well I wish I could say it’s good to meet you but given the circumstances I think we can both agree things could have gone better. In fact! You didn’t answer your door when I rang! I stood out there for ten minutes before I got the hint.” Her voice was layered with humor, letting him know she wasn’t really mad that he hadn’t answered the door when she had attempted to make her delivery.

After all it wasn’t her first time dealing with shut in’s, most did not leave their homes if they could help it, hence they ordered from companies like her uncles. Who was she to judge? Whatever it took for a person to feel safe and happy was up to them.

For her? It was throwing herself into her work and when that didn’t work she busied herself with other small mundane and normal tasks. Because that's what she was now, just another boring mundane, normal human.

She was no longer a time traveling miko.

Nope. Now she was just another drop out working a nine to five while struggling to get by.

The hollow bitter feeling in her chest throbbed but she silenced it, she had to catch her impromptu host up on what was going on and from a plan of action. She couldn’t just continue to sit around.

Well she could, but it wasn’t her place to force herself into someone else's space when it clearly put them on edge. Plus she wondered if the man from before was still roaming about? She hadn’t had time to memorize his aura before he had taken off and if she didn’t at least make an effort to find him on her way out of the building she knew it would pick at her if not drive her crazy.

She hated what if’s, should have’s and maybe’s. 

She had enough of those to last her a lifetime and then some.

If she didn't at least try to find him before she left the apartments and made her way back towards her uncle's home it would pick at her. If only for her own peace of mind she would try to help not only him but whomever else she stumbled upon on her way to her uncle's home.

It was just not only how she was but who she was.

If her uncle and cousins were still there, alive and well, then she would hole up with them in the small two story house. If not then she would gather what she needed and move on. She knew it sounded cold, even in her own thoughts, but it was what it was. 

People died every day and life still moved on.

At least she was blessed, or cursed, enough to know how to survive even the most horrid of situations and this ranked pretty high up on the shitty situation list.

Pulling herlsef once again from her thoughts, and really now she was starting to think is she was going senile with how often she found herself lost in them, she flashed Hyun-su a small smile as she began to give him a run down of what little she had been able to piece together.

Hyun-Su could only blink waiting for her to crack a smile and say ‘just kidding!’.


People were turning into monsters and running amuck?

No, there was no way...that sounded  like some lame cliche anime or RPG plot...yet the tone of her voice and the cool level look in her eyes made him realize that she was completely serious. Quickly getting to his feet he made his way to his small balcony and pulled back the curtains, his eyes met a sordid landscape of red, orange, and black. Fires ragged through the city as various inhuman forms littered the landscape, people were running and screaming as they were stuck down by one monstrosity after another.

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