Halloween | Axl 🌟

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Every october, for some reason, Axl would try to scare you wearing a mask, a costume or whatever, but he failed every time. Your first october together he scared you, but then he became more and more predictable. He'd hide behind the couch, in the closet or wherever just to annoy you, but it was him who ended up annoyed.

You were now watching TV on the living room when you felt something behind you. You smirked to yourself knowing it was Axl. 


"Hi, babe" you smiled at him when he jumped from behind the couch. 

Axl groaned and sat next to you. 

"You're so boring, you never get scared" he pouted. 

"Sorry, Ax. I know every one of your tricks" 

"Maybe you do..."

"What are our plans for this halloween?" you asked. 

"Well, we haven't even decorated the house... Which reminds me I gotta go to the store" 

"I asked you to buy decorations last week..." 

Axl just smiled innocently at you. 


"I forgot, ok?!" 

"Don't waste time trying to scare me and go to the store before they ran out of halloween decorations" 

"Fine, fine" Axl said getting up from the couch. "Anything else?" 

"No. Love you" 

"Love you"

After saying that, Axl left. You loved him, but sometimes he got on your nerves. Decorating your home was a tradition you both had and you couldn't believe Axl forgot. 

20 minutes or so after Axl left, you were still watching TV but wondering why he was taking so long. The store wasn't so far, he should be here by now. That's when you got that phone call. 


"(Y/N), you must come to the hospital right now!" 

It was Slash's voice. He sounded very, very alarmed. 

"What?! What happened?!" 

"Axl had a terrible accident, he got hit by a car!" 


This couldn't be happening. Axl, your Axl was in the hospital. Your loved Axl... The same Axl who had been trying to scare you all month. 

"(Y/N)?! Are you there?!" was the only thing you heard Slash say before bursting out laughing. 

"Why the hell are you laughing?!" 

"You can stop acting, Slash. I know this is a prank from Axl" 

"What are you talkin' about?! Axl's in the hospital! You. Must. Come. Now!! He could die!" 

Slash was sounding so real... What if he was telling the truth and Axl was in the hospital? Maybe this would be the last time you saw him... You felt the tears forming in your eyes. 

"S-sorry, Slash, I thought you were joking... I'll go right now..." 

You ended the call, what would you do now? Your poor Axl... All because of that decorations, You shouldn't have sent him to buy them. You turned the TV off and ran to the door, but when you opened it...


You got so scared that you even fell to the floor and your heartbeat was going so fast you thought you would pass out. All while Axl had tears from laughing so much. 

"Oh, my... You moron!!!" 

"Your face!" Axl said before laughing again. 

You stood up just wanting to punch his beautiful face. 

"I hate you! Never do that again!" 

"C'mon, it was funny" 

"Ugh! You... I... I almost had a heart attack!" 

"When you first met me" 

"... Shut up" 

Axl closed the door behind him and kissed your forehead. 

"You're an idiot..." 

"But I'm your idiot" 

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