"Stace, you're finally here," I say while everyone else seems to be doused in silence.

"No Cian," he notes, surveying the room. "I'm glad you headed my advice."

"Don't tell me you're scared of him," I find myself saying. I'm not sure why he didn't want Cian here, but whatever the reason is, I'm wary of it. I don't trust a single person in the room, especially the one who is meant to be protecting me against any sinister plans Stace may have dreamt up.

"No Amolet, I'm not scared of Cian," Stace replies, the hint of a smile on his lips suggesting he is nothing but amused by that. "I just wanted you to feel free to speak your mind without worry of him being there to hear you."

"It's wonderful to see you, Stace," Ira exclaims, as we all sit down. I pretend not to notice Stace take the seat as far from Ira as possible, right opposite to me. "I've missed you, even if you rejected me."

Stace leans back in his seat. "You were never the best at taking hints."

"Unfortunately for you, rejection is merely a challenge for me," Ira retorts, unbothered by Stace's words. Considering her temper is often hard to quell, she is reacting to his judgment well. Between them, there must be a lengthy, fascinating story that has led up to this moment.

"Why did you want this dinner party? Noah is dead now, and I have a feeling you know where Abella is." I'm cutting to the chase, not wanting to hear Ira desperately beg for Stace's affection.

Sinful seems bothered by the waiting to, as with a single wave of his hand, the barren table is suddenly laden with food, some already served on my plate in front of me. Immediately I reach for the wine that has filled my cup, feeling a headache building up in my temples already, and we have barely started speaking.

"I'm honest when I tell you I don't know where she is," Stace sighs, picking up his glass, tipping it at me. "I want to be friends."

Sinful snots. "Alright Stace, time to be truthful."

"Now that Noah is dead, why have all of you decided to continue associating with Cian's mate?" Stace questions, turning to the rest of the table. I still, wondering if his intention is to turn them all against me. I doubt it will work though. Not when they have been hating him for centuries, it seems.

"None of us can turn down a party." Ira leans forward, biting the bottom of her bright red lip, grinning mischievously.

"I think we all know what will happen if your intentions are to turn against me," Stace notes, extending his arms. He isn't afraid of us though, I realise. I don't know the extent of his powers, but it seems like he could cause a lot of chaos if he wanted to.

I mean, he could certainty kill me. The question is whether I could kill him.

"You're the one who sided with a man willing to murder his mate. We should be worrying about your intentions," I remind him.

"I'm surprised, Stace, that you trusted Noah, considering how protective you are over your own mate," Sinful brings up. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see him edge back in his seat, as if he is anticipating an explosive reaction from Stace.

When I glance at him across the table, I can see why Sinful is so suddenly wary.

A dark shadow seems to have settled over him, his shoulders tensing, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. It could just be me, but I swear I can taste magic in the air, like Stace is seconds away from using it on us. In a disturbingly calm, graceful movement, he leans forward, staring straight into Sinful's eyes, uncompromising.

"I don't want to hear you talk about my mate for the rest of your pitiful life, let alone at this dinner, do you understand?" he says slowly, not allowing a single syllable to go unheard.

Sinful shrugs. "Where is she?"

"I'm warning you." Stace's voice is deep and frightening. I want to tell Sinful to leave it, knowing how much he loves exposing mates to people, and how it can be such a sensitive topic to people. Me included. But yet, I can't bring myself to step between this conversation.

"She doesn't even know Stace is her mate yet," Sinful exclaims, telling the table. "How fascinating is that?"

"Can we not talk about his mate? It's not fair on me," Ira grumbles.

"Come on Stace. I'd like to meet her," Sinful pushes.

"Alright, I tried to be fair and reasonable, but I should have known this wasn't going to go anywhere positive," Stace says regretfully. He gets to his feet, looking as though he is about to leave the room as he rounds the table.

He lifts his hand suddenly, and Sinful stills next to me. When I look at all the Immortals in turn, they are still, nothing moving but their eyes.

"I apologise, Amolet." Before I have a chance to realise that Stace has used his powers to paralyse them all, he's right behind me, grabbing a hold of me. "I'm going to need to stir some things up."

I don't even get the chance to use my powers, as Stace grabs the side of my head, and snaps my neck, my consciousness fading away.


His Sin is now completed on Radish!!

Hale now has his own story available now on Radish! The Immortal Prince

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Hale now has his own story available now on Radish! The Immortal Prince.


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I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Instagram: Sophie_Midika

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~Midika 💜🐼

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