↳˗ˏˋ four ˊˎ˗↴

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the room was sterile.

it smelled sterile. felt sterile. this was gross.

[y/n] slowly opened her eyes, groaning a bit as she adjusted to the light. there was a steady beeping in the background, and, once her eyes fully adjusted to everything, she realized where she was. she sat up, looking around the room. there wasn't anyone here. she went to stand, but, when she moved the blanket off her body, she looked down to see her leg wrapped up. she noticed her hands also wrapped up, as well as some bandages across her entire body.

"i know, girl! damn, can't have shit for myself. and he was trying to tell me i work too much?" the nurse walked in, seemingly distracted in conversation with another nurse. it wasn't long before she realized [y/n] was awake that she refocused her attention. "slow down there, hun. you don't want to make too much movement," she quickly said, getting [y/n] to lie back down on the bed.

"what am i doing here? where's megumi? and gojo?" [y/n] asked. the nurse hesitated a bit before letting out a sigh.

"i'll let them explain," she said. the door opened, revealing six familiar figures.

"mom? dad?"

"[y/n]!" her siblings cried out, running over to the bed to greet her.

"don't jump on her! she's still hurt," their mom scolded, making her way over to the bed. she gently stroked [y/n]'s hair, a sad smile on her face. "we're glad you're okay."

her siblings started talking a million miles a minute, catching her up on their lives as well as their training. [y/n] did her best to listen to them, but she couldn't help but notice her father being distant. he stood awkwardly by the door, leaning against the wall as if he was waiting for a good moment to get a few words in. her mother noticed this and rounded up the smaller ones, taking them out to get some food so [y/n] and her father could speak alone. once they were gone and the door shut, there was a tension that filled the air. "dad-"

"what were you thinking, overexerting yourself in your domain like that? do you know how dangerous it is for us as lightning users to overuse the element? you could've died."

"i did what i thought was right, and in that moment, using my domain was the right call. i couldn't risk those curses being able to fight alongside each other."

"why did you leave fushiguro's side?"

"we had to split them up!"

"where was gojo satoru?" her father demanded.

"i am a grade two sorcerer with grade one ability, i don't need my teacher to be there with me," [y/n] shot back.

"you should not have been fighting three special grade curses on your own. you may be talented as a jujutsu sorcerer, but you are still a grade two. fushiguro is a grade one; he is someone that can fight special grades on his own. gojo satoru can fight special grades on his own. i can fight special grades on my own. but you, you're still learning. there is a lot about our family's curse technique that you still don't know. that is why you haven't been promoted. that is why we wanted you to come home!"

"what are you talking about?" [y/n] asked. her father sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"we asked you to come home in hopes that you'd stay with us. i want to teach you more about our family's technique. i want you to learn to hone not only your esper powers, but also the lightning. you have the potential to become as great as a special grade sorcerer, but you currently lack the proper training. tokyo jujutsu high has done great things in terms of your combat ability, and i'm sure you love your friends there, but they can't teach you what i can teach you as someone who knows more about us-"

"so, you used my birthday as a ploy to get me to come home and train?"

"it sounds really bad when you put it that way-"

"yeah, because it is really bad! dad, i understand that there's a lot i still don't know, but i think my abilities that i've been able to showcase now have been far more than great. i know what i'm capable of, and i believe i deserved a promotion a long time ago." her father sighed, patting her hand.

"i know."

"so, what now?" [y/n] asked.

"you're coming home for roughly twelve weeks. in those twelve weeks, we will do your training. if you succeed after those twelve weeks are done, you may return to tokyo. with a promotion."

"and if i don't?"

"then you'll stay at home until you do. no matter how long it takes."

"there's another catch." her father hesitated, but figured it wouldn't be worth withholding from her.

"as you can probably tell, you're not in tokyo. nor in sendai. this is a private hospital here at home. after your fight, you were out cold. fushiguro and gojo thought you were, well, dead. the doctors at the hospital in sendai confirmed you were simply in a coma, unsure of when you would wake up. that's when the doctors contacted me and we transferred you here. you've been asleep for almost a week and a half. we thought it'd be a little longer before you woke up, but your body must've finally healed itself on the inside. as of right now, you, [y/n] [l/n], are comatose and m.i.a."

"what do you mean i'm m.i.a?"

"we, uh, didn't exactly tell the school that we were transferring you here, and the doctors at that hospital are sworn to not disclose anything. so, for now, you're missing."

"you kidnapped me?" [y/n] screeched.

"it's not kidnapping if we're your parents!" her dad quickly responded.

"oh my god," [y/n] whined, flopping back onto the stiff hospital pillow, "this is a disaster. what the heck are they going to think? they're going to search for me!"

"we kind of figured, so we sent someone out there. do you remember uramoto? from your elementary class?"

"the weird kid with the scar on his face that smelled like potato soup and carried around that g.i joe action figure?"

"... yeah. anyways. we sent him to the school, he's the main lead of your search. we told everyone not to worry about it. he can handle himself. he's a grade one sorcerer, after all."

"this is a horrible ploy."

"we did what we had to do. you need to be prepared."

"prepared for what?"

"just... prepared."


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