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Jimin got back to the dorm just before lunch the next day. He felt a lot better and the redness was less.
Everyone surrounded him, Jungkook hoping to at least get a smile, unfortunately Jimins eyes shot past him as he greeted the others.
Jimin went to his room to shower and change clothes, once there he saw a bunch of his favourite flowers in a vase with a teddy sat in front holding a Sorry note. Jimin sighed. Then opening the gift bag he pulled out a beautiful pale blue jumper and a note,'SAW THIS AND THOUGHT OF YOU'.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, he found it hard to be mad at Jungkook, it wasn't something he was used to, but he also still felt betrayed in a way.
Going to shower he let the water run over him feeling the stress of yesterday ease. Drying off he went to his closet pulling out jeans and white t shirt then glancing to the bed he dressed pulling the jumper on as well, just because he wasn't talking to him didn't mean he couldn't acknowledge the gift, did it he thought to himself.
Going out to the main room he went to the kitchen seeing Jin cooking some food.
"Do you need help Jin?"
"Oh, Jimin can you set the table, it's nearly ready. Jimin started setting the table, then got the water jug and went to fetch the glasses, these were on a higher shelf and he tip toed trying to reach until a hand reached from behind him , collecting the glasses and taking them to the table.
Jungkook didn't say a word while doing this, pleased to see Jimin was wearing the jumper he got but not wanting to upset him by saying something that may annoy him.
Everybody came to sit down for lunch, much as Jungkook wanted to rush to sit next to Jimin he hung back but as luck or the others would have it, the only seat left was next to him.
The meal was the usual noisy conversation except for Jimin and Jungkook who ate and listened. Jungkook reached for the jug the same time as Jimin, his fingers getting a little shock as they touched Jimins, both boys pulling back as Jimin said quietly," you first."
Jungkook picked up the jug first filling Jimins then his glass.
Jimin glanced at the other just nodding, both finding it hard to converse.
After the meal, Jimin got up, saying he was going to rest and walked back to his room. RM patted Jungkooks shoulder,"he'll come round," he assured the younger, who was staring down the passage where Jimin had gone.
Jungkook went into his own room which was opposite Jimins he stood at the window seeing rain splatter against the glass , he sat at his desk trying to write words for a song then his phone rang with an unknown number, putting it on speaker he answered,
"Kookie, it's me don't hang up!"
"Mei I said all I wanted to say to you yesterday,"
"But Kookie, we were so great together,"
"No Mei we weren't , everything about you was a lie, you probably didn't tell the truth on anything,"
"Please Kookie we can forget what happened, it's not like Jimin is going anywhere your in the same band!"
"You just don't get it do you...., Jimin is worth ten of you, yet you made me believe your lies and doubt one of the best most caring people I know, I can't forgive you or myself."
"Huh, well I suppose I got enough out of you, your so gullible, shame you wouldn't sleep with me I could have got a fortune if I took photos of us in bed,"
" you really are a piece of work aren't you I regret the day I bumped into you,"
"Oh Kookie that was no accident , of course I knew who BTS is, I'd been hanging around for weeks knowing I would eventually catch you in that area, your such a fool!"
"Your right I am, I actually thought someone liked me for myself not what I was famous for thanks to you bitch I've ruined a great friendship, don't ever call again."
He turned the phone off, head hanging dejectedly,
"Im so stupid  why couldn't I see I was being used"
He spoke out aloud.
"You just wanted to feel like a normal person." A voice from the open doorway said.
Jungkook swung around seeing Jimin there.
"Y-you heard?"
"Go on say it, tell me what a stupid idiot I am for believing her ,"
"You already know it,"
"I just....,I thought I'd found someone who liked me for me, not because I'm famous,"
"It's hard sometimes living as we do."
"But I've been awful to you, I knew your not that person she described but I still took her side!"
" if I'm honest that's what hurt the most but I can't blame you for wanting to find love and friendship, who doesn't want that?"
"I can't say how sorry I am Jimin, I realised how much you do for me ,how good we are when together(sniff) I don't want to lose our friendship," tears rolled down his face.
Jimin sighed, he hated seeing the other like this, he walked over to him giving him a hug,"truce?" He asked.
Sniffing Jungkook nodded, " jimin can we just rest in my bed, I'm so tired I worried about you all last night"
As this was natural for them both to do this Jimin nodded, leaning on Jungkooks chest when they lay down, Jimin gently patting the others chest to calm him down, within a short time the pair were asleep, both worn out and both happy to have got over the worst .As they slept Jimin naturally curled into Jungkooks protective hold, the other also now curled on his side arms linked around Jimin.
RM gazed from the open door a smile on his face, happy the two were on better terms, he quietly closed the door leaving the pair in their own little world.

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