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"Mom!!!" I called.

"What?" My mother called back.

"Why is there a box in my bed? The box is growling!!!" I called back.

 My younger brother came into the doorway of my room. He was wearing PJ's and his curly hair was flat on one side of his head. LOL, he looks so silly. His dark brown eyes showed confusion.

 I glared at him. "Did you do this?!?" I hissed pointing at the box which was growling even louder now. 

Rio frowned. "No," I glared at him.

 "Sure," I pushed the box into his hands. "Here, take it."

 Rio looked at me and frowned. "Why?" 

The box started to growling even more. 

My brother tossed the box on my bed. "I don't want it! And I didn't do it!!!" Rio screaming running out of my room. 

I sighed. Great,  The box whimpered. Might as well open it. 

I opened the box. I saw a furry animal. 

I frowned. What in the world?!? And a lion jumped out of the box. 

I gasped. . . No way!! 

The lion looked around scared. When the lion noticed me it jumped back into the box. I tried to grab for the lion, but it jumped away from me. 

I sighed, Fine , if you don't want to be picked up you don't have to. 

"Where are you from?" I asked frowning at the box, I looked inside hoping for a note or something. 

Nope! Well, that's helpful, you give me a lion but you have done even have a note or anything. I don't even know the lion's name. 

I tossed the box off my bed. The lion jumped. 

I frowned. "Why are you so scared?" I asked it, reaching to pet the lion. 

The lion whimpered. My heart warmed for the poor lion. 

"Come, here. I got you. I won't hurt you, promise." I said in a warm soothing voice. 

The lion looked at me, as if debating if the lion could trust me. The lion took a few hesitant steps towards me. 

Then stopped.

 The lion looked at me warily. 

"Do you want me to get you a treat or something?" I asked, wanting to have the lion trust me. 

The lion cocked its head. "Raw?" I smiled. 

"You want a treat? "Raw!" The lion then pounced on my lap. I let out a laugh. "Okay, okay!! Let's get you your treats." I said and picked up the lion. 

"Raw!" The lion said happily. 

I frowned, as a thought hit me. "What's your name, though?" 

The lion looked at me weirdly. "Raw??" 

"You don't have one?" I asked, nuzzling the lion in the face.

 The lion shook his head. "Do you want one?" 

"Raw!!!" The lion nodded. 

I giggled and started to rock the lion. "How about. . . Antú" 

Antú pounced on me. 

I laughed. "You like it, huh?" Antú licked my face.

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