30. "Ive been trough too much sh*t"

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SZA- the weekend (slowed+reverb)


Allonso and Ariana are still not back.

They've been gone for 3 hours, and I'm stuck up with a moody man called Alexio Rossi.

Less ranting about him, more about other people.

I had to change phone due to the danger of our enemies finding us, so I didn't keep up to date with Rose and Jaden.

If you are confused on who those people are, they're my best friends. But I can't really call them best friends if they don't know my real life.

I couldn't tell them if I wanted to either. It would just bring them more unusual trouble.

I'm not hanging around alone in my room while I'm on vacation.

Technically not a vacation but I still can go swim.

And so I change into a swimsuit.

I'm putting my hair in a messy bun, so I don't mess up my hair to much.

My swimsuit is black and flatters my body, although it's quit revealing

Reminder that I'm wearing this swimsuit for me, and only for me.

I grab my sunscreen and glasses as I place them in my beach bag.

I grab my beach hat and I walk into the kitchen.

I'm grabbing apples, snacks and water for the beach. Our house isn't far from the beach at all, but I'm not going back and better be safe then hungry.

I'm heading for the door without anyone in my path.

I wished he would be, but he isn't.

I'm walking in the sand searching for the perfect spot.

Which I've found 10 seconds later.

When I'm about to head into the water, I get stopped by a group of annoying boys. "Good day, miss."

I roll my eyes heading for the water.

They look in their 20's but you can't call boys mens if they're not acting like one.

You'll see why not.

Also, I'm not dealing with boys today. "Can't you bother anyone else? I don't have the time today."

"I'm sorry to disturb you. Can we bother you tomorrow? We could, you know, exchange phone numbers." He smirks.

"No, and I have a boyfriend. Please respect my wishes and go away." I'm grabbing my stuff, getting ready to leave.

One of the boys stops me from leaving. "A boyfriend? Where's that boyfriend of yours? A lot of lady's lie about having a boyfriend."

I grunt. "No is no, leave me alone."

He pulls me in for a hug. "It's fine baby, we'll have a lot of fun together."

His words echoed trough my mind while the memories started flooding in.

The day I went on a date with Marcus, and he tried to rape me.

When Nicolas killed my family, kidnapped me and actually raped me for almost 3 weeks.

It's going to happen again. Why does it always happen to me?

Tears started to run down my face.

"She said no!"

A tall figure walks up to the scene.

The boys laugh. "Mind your business. This is my girlfriend, nothing going on here."

The man's hands turns into fist, as he takes down each boy.

The boys don't go down without a fight. They all attack the tall figure at ones.

The figure delivered left and right hooks to the boys, whilst he's getting beaten up himself.

The fight goes on for a good 1 minute until the tall figure brings out a gun and shoots bullets in the baby blue air.

The boys run a long scared leaving me, and this figure.

Who's fucking name is Alexio.

I'm still frozen of everything that just happened.

That happened a few weeks ago. Months ago.

He tries to hug me, but I refuse. "No. You can't pretend to be my boyfriend one second and the next not even look me in the eyes! You can not pretend to be there for me a minute but the next not even talk to me."

I look at the tall figure with tears in my eyes. "Andreana.."

He tries to cut me off but I'm not done. "No. I've been trough too much shit to keep up with you. You've hurt me so much and you keep hurting me, I forgive you over and over again but I'm getting tired of doing so!"

I yell at him, crying of frustration, hitting him on the chest. "You're supposed to be here for me and you never are! But I don't need you anymore, Alexio. For all I know you can go to hell."

I turn around, walking away from him but he stops me. "It's no fair how you're treating me Andreana. I've tried to keep you safe all the time, I'm trying to be there for you Andreana! But I go trough shit too. We all do. The fucking world doesn't only evolve around you. You're so fucking selfish."

I can't help it but chuckle. Hate to admit it, but his words hurt. A lot more then they should. "This was a mistake."

I turn my back on him again. "Don't you turn your fucking back on me! You never considered my feelings. Never asked me how I was-"

"I always asked how you were Alexio! You never cared to answer or talk about it. You can't blame everything on me. When we're safe, I don't ever want to see you again." I had to cut off the bastard.

Ooouuu spicy..

I've had artist block for 2 weeks now, but I'm back.

This relationship is very toxic from the both of them and is not healthy in real life or books.

If 'men' (actually boys) touch you without your consents, don't be scared to talk about it!

If it already happened, I'm deeply sorry and I wish you the absolute best.

Thank you all for reading.

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