Chapter 4 Cybercat

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The trees made it hard to see. They blocked off most of the sunlight.

"Can you still hear Scarredwing?" I asked.

"No. Her voice is being drowned. Wait!" She turned her helm in different directions.

"We're lost, aren't we." I rolled my optics at Bolt.

She rolled her optics back,"Stop running your beak. I remember the way out but we need to get Scarredwing."

"Maybe there's a more direct route we can follow," I lower my helm looking for pedeprints.

"Ooo, are you scared?"


"Then stop cowering and help me search!"

"Alright I'm listening!"

"No need now! There's no noise!"

"Then shut your beak so there is truly no noise!"

"Then shut yours! My voice isn't just noise! It's a far better thing than that!"

Our conversation ended. Good.

Light broke the ground. It was dim light but light nonetheless. I really wish I were out in the safety of the ranks of Iron Claw but I have to do what is right. I have to save Scarredwing. It's a strange loyalty I feel for her but it's ok. I do have to be loyal don't I? She is my mentor after all.

I walked a little more pushing my helm into bushes. I really didn't expect she would be hiding in a bush but hey. You never know what you might find.

"Bolt. I think we have a problem."

"What is it? Is Scarredwing in trouble?"

"I think we might be. Come look for yourself."

"Alright what is-" She gasped as a large figure was in front of her. The large figure, luckily had its optics focused on a meal. It ripped the wing right off the bird it had hunted. I could see the energon drip from the corners the the silhouette's intake.

"It's a cybercat," Bolt whispered watching in horror as the cybercat ripped metal off the grotesque corpse. Energon droplets flicked the air.

"Can you see what it's eating?"

"I can't. I hope it's not Scarredwing. Ok you distract it and I'll find out."

"Alright, what should I do?"

"I don't care? Do something before that beast comes for us!"

"Ok ok!" I scanned the tight space. There's isn't enough room to fly properly unless you have been specially trained. Too bad that wasn't my cast. Well, I guess pedes are my only choice at the moment.

I sprinted across the small clearing. Behind me the cybercat lifted its helm.

"That's right. Come here," I cooed. The cybercat ran its glossa across its intake. "Slobbery mess."

The cybercat growled take a few steps towards me.

"Come here," I growled softly. It still wasn't a reasonable ways from the corpse. "Hurry up. Don't I look like a great meal?" I coaxed. The cybercat bought it and leaped above my helm.

"You'd make a fantastic meal," it growled. I could see the energon still dripped from its intake. It pounced and dropped me to the ground. I gasped for air as it opened its intake near my neck cable.

"Hurry up Bolt!" I whined.

Surprised the cybercat jerked its helm towards Bolt.

"It's not Scarredwing!" she shouted. The cybercat raced back to its catch and snarled at Bolt. The cybercat's optics blazed as Bolt sprinted to my side. I backed up slowly into the bushes and gasped as we came to another clearing.

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