Chapter 6 Puzzle

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The wind rushed through my feathers as I raced forward. On my left wing a dark blue bird charged forward. On my right a smaller light green bird ran with agility, jumping over scattered rocks and stones easily. I extended out my wings getting ready to take off.

If racing is involved, I'm the first one to jump at it. Not that I like racing, I just know I'm going to win. I know I'm fast, I have to be to be an assassin.

"Hurry up Lasers! I'm going to beat you!"

"Not if I can help it Jumpclaw!" I pushed myself forward with my wings. Jumpclaw was only a beak ahead of me.

"Wait up! My wings aren't ready yet!" called out a smaller light green bird. She was still on the ground flapping franticly.

"Well the race just started Leafspring!" called Jumpclaw.

"Exactly! Wait up."

"It's a race for Primus' sake!" he growled back quicken his pace.

"Wait for your sister Jumpclaw," I called.

He sighed and slowed down, his dark blue feathers fluffing up in the cold wind.

"Can we go back to the nest where it's safe?" she asked in the air. She was only a few beaks alway from the ground. Practically skimming the ground.

"Come on, we just got out!" Groaned Jumpclaw spinning.

Leafspring ignored her brother's complaint and looked attentive at me.

"We need to stretch out our wings. Besides we can give Bolt a break."

"I promise to help her!"

"With what! Your not good at anything!" chuckled Jumpclaw.

I swatted his helm with my wing, "Be nice."

"The truth is always appreciated."

I rolled my optics. I could see Leafspring turning back, flapping her wings messily. Each stoke was uncalled for and sloppy. Her flying needed a lot more work.

"Laser? Can we finish this race?"

"Later Jump. I've got some work to do anyways."

"Can I come? Please please! You won't even know I'm here!"

I looked at him sharply. "Your going back with Bolt, or do I have to make you?"

"Make me!"

I sprinted forward and nipped at his wings. We both locked claws and spun as we fell. "Go to Bolt!"

Thankfully he didn't say anything more. He nodded and headed off. I meanwhile had to pay someone a visit.

"Sundor!" I growled.

His helm shot up in my direction, with a small chunk of energon in his intake.

"Where were you!" I was not happy with him. He could have scorched that Squawktalk to a scrap of metal and be over with it.

"What'd I do?"

"Nothing! Nothing, that's what!" I snapped.

"What do you mean 'nothing'? What happened?" he asked smiling.

I snorted. This bird never had a clue about battles. This was an early battle too so why wasn't he there? I could have used his help but no. He had to miss the battle.

"The battle!" I really wish he would stop eating my temper. "If you aren't going to be helpful, get somebird to clip your wings."

"Calm down what happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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