Rhea Ripley x Female Reader Smut Request

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Heyo, my lovely peoples! This request is for the lovely @devilssoup, I hope you enjoy it! And it's been a hot minute since I wrote in this book, so I shall rectify that today! And I've also decided to keep the requestor's username out of the titles of these requests in case future users want to be kept anonymous when they request me a story; I apologize in advance if people liked it when I put your username in the titles of my previous requests, and I'll be going back to fix the previous titles that have usernames in them! Now, I think I've covered everything I wanted to, let's get down to business (Cue MULAN song!)! Warning, this one-shot will contain smut, so read at your own risk! Now, I shall shut up, and let's get to the story! :) :D


I hated having to do storylines with the love of my life as an antagonist. However, when I got the script from my best friend, Shelly, that's exactly what happened one fine Monday night before the RAW live show. Shelly handed me the script for the night and said, "Here you are, Y/N. And fair warning, I already gave one to Rhea and she's about ready to kill me for making you two enemies."

Giggling, I stated while looking through the white pages, "Yep, that sounds like Rhea when she's pissed off. Thanks, Shell, I appreciate it and I know it's not your fault for what I'm reading. I have a sneaking suspicion Vince put you up to this when he couldn't get another superstar to hate on Rhea."

Shelly countered, "You're the only one she won't punch into oblivion, girl! Everyone and their mothers knows that since you two started dating, so I don't want to know what she's gonna do when she finishes reading this script fully." Although I wasn't really listening to her on account of trying to learn my lines, Shelly did have a good point. Ever since Rhea and I started dating, I'd been the only one who could calm her down when she got angry. Therefore, no on in the history of ever had seen her get angry at me either for the storyline or in the real world; this normally happened due to Rhea walking away from me to cool off when I made her mad. I set my script in my lap and Shelly asked, "Are you gonna go talk to Rhea and make sure she doesn't kill anyone, girl?"

"I think I'll have to just to make sure she doesn't attack me in her anger before the cameras roll. I don't think she will, but this'll be a first even for me, so I'm gonna make sure I'm prepared," I stated while standing up and squaring my shoulders as much as I could to show I was confident. In reality, I was shitting myself and yanking my hair out at the thought of my girlfriend having to punch me with all her might and hurting me even more than this storyline already was. Shelly stared at me and I asked her, "What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?"

She shook her head and answered, "No, you just look like you're about to shit a brick and run for the hills right now and I'm contemplating on cancelling my meeting with Colby to help you confront Rhea." I cocked an eyebrow at her and she added, "That and I'm hungry and I want to go get some food with you before you talk to your woman."

"And is this meeting with Colby clothing optional?" I asked her while wiggling my eyebrows and body-checking her lightly. She giggled, blushed the color of my ring gear, and I declared, "Yep! You're gonna get lucky tonight, girl! Go get him, and I'll put a sock on his dressing room to let people know not to come get him until you're done." Shelly smacked my shoulder and I whined, "Owie! That hurts!"

She scoffed, "Oh come on, you're not that hurt. Now, let's go find Rhea and make sure she's not gonna kill someone or you in the process of this storyline playing out." I laughed with her and grabbed my script from where it'd sat on one of the tables in my locker room. Shelly studied the room carefully and remarked, "It's very strange how you don't have any pictures of you and Rhea on these walls."

I stopped where I was in the entryway, turned behind me, and stated, "She didn't want someone to unintentionally hurt me if they got mad at her. That and Vince banned personal photos from my dressing room after I almost broke a wall from the amount of photos in one arena's locker room." When Shelly stared at me like I was stupid, I added, "The look on your face is exactly what I told Vince when he told me I couldn't have personal photos in my locker room. But he was adamant about it and I didn't want to have to deal with it, so I acquiesced to his wish. However, Rhea's and my home is filled with photos to the point of being ridiculous."

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