17; oh at least i wasn't there

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Today was Carmen and Asher's wedding. It was a small ceremony - only close family members and friends. I wore a pink maid of honor dress and stood at the front of the venue where the preacher connected the two in marriage.

The reception itself was beautiful- full of life and love. It took place in a swamp area down the road from our apartment in Gainesville, and Carmen wore a short skimpy dress... You could say no one was really surprised. Asher looked handsome and dapper. I smiled to myself seeing those two happy.

Rio came in a few hours late, I guess he had been in Oregon now shooting a movie. His hair was long and poofy now, to where he had to slick it back with some sort of gel. Nevertheless, he still lit a fire inside of me whenever I saw him. He made his way up to me.

"You look beautiful," he spoke softly as he grabbed my hand. It transferred a trembling sweetness that I loved and adored. He wore a tuxedo this time.

"Thank you, Rio," I muttered meekly. He then led me to the dance floor where they invited everyone to slow dance with the newly-wed bride and groom.

They were playing Your Song - as it was and forever will be Carmen's favorite song. Rio pulled me closer to him as we swayed to the music. I rest my head on his beating chest.

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song, and this one's for you

He then moved his head down towards me and whispered in my ear.

"So, where is your next adventure, my lady?" He let out a faint chuckle. The ways the lines etched around his cheek just made me want to stop and stare. He was like a real-life Mona Lisa painting - so priceless and so alluringly charming... yet so untouchable. His emerald green eyes narrowed at mine.

"Spanish Harlem in New York. The art, the culture, I just know my next adventure there awaits," I said. "They're not just pretty words, you know."

"Oh, is that so," Rio smirked. I glanced down at my beat-up sneakers.

"Come with me," I blurted out suddenly - something I found myself doing a lot around him.

"You know I couldn't," He said sharply, shaking his head.

"No matter where I go, I want you around," I explained, with my heart beating out of my chest. After I said that, I watched his face light up.

"You know, my Dad's been telling me to take a break from the movie industry, he wants me to move back with him to Brazil."

"What are you going to do?" I asked, genuinely curious to his answer - mostly because I didn't want him to take up that offer.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that I need to make enough money to put my brother and sisters through school..." he trailed off - catching glimpse of the happy couple who made their way over to us.

"So, when is it your lovebirds turn to tie the knot?" Carmen teased and soon the atmosphere felt awkward. Rio averted his eyes - emitting a faint chuckle.

"Somewhere in the future, I hope," Rio answered with bright gleam in his eyes.

"How are you feeling Asher?" I asked, trying to mask my excitement over Rio's comment.

"I'm honestly happy Carms didn't run out on me like her last wedding," Asher joked. Carmen nudged him playfully and scoffed.


"C'mon Carms, how about we go mingle around and leave these two alone," Asher said as he winked at me. I let out a sigh of relief as Rio looked down at me.

"Shall we?" Rio smiled at me. He led me to a more secluded area down the path and we sat and watched the willow trees sway in the wind.

"Will you ever go back to your roots in Brazil?" I asked him. He bit his cheek.

"It's beautiful, but, it reminds me too much of my childhood... too much stress for someone so young... it just kills you," I could see his face begin to go sad. He gave me a quick glance. "Oh, at least I wasn't there when things got really got bad." It made me sad seeing him like this. I don't know what it is that he did to me to make me into such an empath.

"I hope things are going at least a little better for you and your family," I said with a sigh. He nodded with content.

"You make life worth it for me. I know you don't love me back... yet, but... I just need a sign. If you can't be with me and can't say it - show it," he muttered. Of course I love you, you idiot. But before I could fully think, I heard someone call my name - a little too familiar.

"Amoreena." Rio and I both simultaneously came face to face with my parents - who also exhibited disheartening growls. "Nice to see you."

"Wish I could say the same," I muttered under my breath. Rio could obviously tell that I was starting to get uncomfortable, so he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.

"I see the idea that you're with River Phoenix is not some sort of joke!" My Dad snarked. Rio kneaded his eyebrows together. It seemed like he wanted to say something - but couldn't. "It's nice to finally meet you, but I don't see the point in fully introducing ourselves - as I know you guys won't ever last." There was a rude snicker that went through the air.

"Is this true?" Rio looked over at me - looking as if his heart was broken into a million pieces. I shook my head frantically but found I couldn't say a single word to defend him. Do I really love him enough to save him the way he saves me?

The storm my parents had caused in me had finally fallen silent as I watched Rio anxiously try to detach himself from the situation... But, for some reason, I just remained completely stationary. He let out an audible sigh.

"I can't keep waiting around for something that's not even there, Amoreena," Rio spoke slowly, feeling the burn of my parent's stares.

"Don't say that..." I muttered, feeling my heart drop and a lump in my throat start to form. Rio nervously combed his twitching hands through his long, auburn hair. He looked completely and utterly dejected. I've never felt so at a loss for words. He then walked away - and I knew this time it wasn't salvageable. I watched as he walked out of the reception... all eyes glued to his every move.

"Ah, well of course we were right. I don't want to say I told you so... but,"

"Wasn't it bad enough to completely abandon me as a teenager, now you have to completely ruin any shot I had at ever being truly loved?" I yelled out - watching as the color drained from their faces.

Before I could hear their response, I ran to Carmen with tears forming in my eyes - our bodies collided together and she held my heavy head.

"Babe. What's wrong?" She said as she held my head up with her hand.

"Mom and Dad... they made Rio leave me. He's not ever gonna give me another chance is he?" I mumbled on the palm of her tiny hand. I felt so bad. This was her day and she looked so beautiful. How could I do this to my her? "Why did you even invite them?"

"I guess I just didn't want to see them for who they truly are, Reena," she said, wiping my tears with her thumb. Asher soon saw the scene and came running over as nonchalantly as possible - hoping to not catch any stares.

"What's wrong?" He said with a sense of urgency in his voice.

"He's not coming back, Ash," Carmen spoke slowly - eyeing Asher. He gave me a quick glance then looked down to the floor. He knew exactly what was going on.

"It was only a matter of time until he was fully lost."

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