My poggy au (bc i can)

Start from the beginning

Soldier's real name is Spencer
His father died due to a Heart attack when he was younger
His mother dotes him a lot because she loves him a lot :v
He has an annoying and troublesome personality at first but when he is not annoyed he's quite calm and sweet :vvvv
He usually does the chores in the outpost like cleaning the dishes, sweeping the floor and tidying up the storage to reduce his training time there
Aaaaaand he does get away with it if  Torcher can convince his sister-
His sexuality is gay
He hates Tuesdays don't ask why
Also the black mark on the soldiers' faces are like those paint things to help with camouflage, not burnt marks ;_;

Torcher's real name is Terrence, weird name I know
He has a sister named Ari who is older than him
Their father is the general of the military outpost and wanted to let Ari become the next person after him but Terrence wanted to become a general as well coz he saw the soldiers at the military but his father thought he was too soft-
Ari managed to convince their father in the end so he is still one of the ppl who runs the outpost
Torcher looks menacing but he's a big softie :vvvvvv
Yes he's bisexual
He had an ex 4 years before meeting Spencer lmao
Yea that ex of his is a female and she stalks him sometimes ;_;
She steals his money ok-

Bunny is a scientist working with Mr P
(I forgot to mention Sheepy is also a Scientist)
Bunny sometimes helps to take care of old ppl at the old folks home
She's very hardworking and would not stop until someone forces her to or when she's tired
She only rests for the full day on her birthday and that's it

Doggy and Poley are police along with Y/N :v

First we talk abt Doggy

Doggy's parents wanted him to be a doctor but then they were still alr when he became a police officer (Asian parents vibes pls)
He gets mad when you throw stuff at him, even if it's a small bag of candy
Haha yes temper issues

Poley likes donuts
Why not
He's quite goofy and likes to make jokes
He's only serious when doing actual work
He's quite strong too-
S o y e -

Y/N is you-
You are a detective and a polis

Angel and Devil are basically gods
Yes hey have contact with the nightmares bc yes
Angel and Devil have a love-hate relationship

Penny's grandma has a flower shop which sales are high :v
Sadly her shop got wrecked during the infection ;_;

Elly likes to visit grandma's flower shop :DD
She likes flowers

Billy is a construction worker
He makes and fix buildings

Badgy is also a scientist working with Mr P
He was the second closest to him after Bunny
He despises Mr P now coz he made the "cure"
He got infected bc he fell in the batch of "cure" that was made after helping Mr P

Mr P is like a famous scientist
His wife you know what
He has robot parts because he actually got scratched by the infected but he asked Badgy to help him install the robot parts to lessen the amount of time for him to get infected

Yes in my AU it takes a few days to turn infected
Makes sense coz the piggy family and Ms P only got infected after a while if u saw the cutscene
It wasn't immediately :v

Pony's father is an optician as said in a cutscene
Yes Pony wanted to become and optician too like his father said in the cutscene
But during the infection he joined TSP bc he was scared
He learnt fighting tips during his time there
He was lured by Willow bc she promised she would help him find Zizzy
He left when he realised she only made him join to do her own "evil" biddings

Zizzy and Pony are childhood friends and they got separated during the infection
Yes another love hate relationship here
haha funni

Since Zizzy learns fencing she already has some flighting skills
She taught her little sisters how to fence as well
Zizzy's family generation whatever you call that all know how to fence
Zizzy doesn't like ppl bothering her
Sometimes she can be cold and heartless

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