The Sensational Sisters!

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"I'm Dexter, a Pokédex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum."

"Yeah, and I was the leader of the Pewter City gym," Brock said while holding up the Boulder Badge.

"Well, that excuses you two, but what about you?" Jenny turned her attention to (Y/N), who pulled out the Kanto Champion badge, "oh great heavens! I'm so sorry, I should've recognised you from the last time you came around here," she sighed and put the handcuffs away, "sorry I was so suspicious, now I'm suspicious of my sister... she has such weird taste in friends."

"Um, miss," Brock started, getting (Y/N), Ash and Jenny's attention, "I was wondering, since I'm new in town, maybe we could get together tonight and you could show me around."

Officer Jenny's smile returned and she turned her head to the side, "well, I don't get off duty until past your bedtime," she had a smug smile on her face the whole time as she said how young Brock was, "and I may even have to work around the clock to catch these burglars," Ash inquired about the stuff that was stolen, "that's the strange thing about it, they didn't take any money, just a massive vacuum and a giant hose."

Soon after, Jenny managed to break up the crowd as she and her colleagues was investigating.
(Y/N), Ash and Brock sat on a bench nearby in the suburban area, and was just relaxing.
"Good thing I had Dexter, and you two had your badges," Ash mumbled as he relaxed.

"Yeah, say... shouldn't you be heading to the Cerulean City gym?" Brock asked, his arms crossed as (Y/N) continued to daydream about the Sensational Sisters.

Ash nodded, and turned to Brock, "yeah. Hey, Brock, do you have any insider information on the gym trainer there?" He asked, looking at the newest travel buddy. Brock looked at Ash with a peaked eyebrow, causing Ash to laugh nervously, "I just wanna get as much information about him before we have our match. 'Know yourself, know your adversary, and you hold the key to victory'," Ash said proudly, which actually caught his older brother's attention.

"You remember? I thought I was wasting my breath when I said that," (Y/N) said with a small smile, happy that Ash remembered something he had told him, "glad you took it to heart."

Ash smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck while pulling up Dexter, "I actually learned that from Dexter," (Y/N)'s expression soured slightly.

Brock smiled and laughed a little, "either way, I haven't personally met the trainer here. But I do know they have a special move," he smiled, which made (Y/N) look at Brock, knowing full well that was a lie.

"Really? What move is that?" Ash asked, with an excited tone.

"Sorry Ash, but I can't give you that information, I'm a gym trainer too, after all. I can't tell you out of respect, you understand," Brock informed, standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"I understand."

(Y/N) spoke up again, "luckily I'm not a gym trainer, but you could get the badge with Pikachu alone, it's a water-type gym, so you have the type advantage," he said, standing up as well, picking Torchic up from the bench and putting it on his shoulder, "y'know, so long as Pikachu listens."

Brock left as the two Ketchums were looking for the Cerulean City Gym, which (Y/N) could actually help with directing Ash the right way.
Once they arrived at the gym, (Y/N) and Ash walked in and they heard the announcer of the place call out to the amassed crowd in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome the stars of our show!" The announcer called out, causing (Y/N) to rush to sit on one of the lower stairs, "the Sensational Cerulean City Synchronised Swimming Sisters!"
Both Ketchum's eyes widened as they saw the Sisters, Ash's in wonder as this was the first time he had ever seen them, and (Y/N)'s in utter awe and anticipation. They looked up to the top of the diving board which was incredibly high up, where the three sisters waved and soaked in the glory of everyone's cheers, (Y/N)'s included.
The Sensational Sisters began their performance with a dive into the pool, Ash was confused, unsure of why a show was on, as he thought this was solely a gym.

I'll Carve My Mark (Pokémon Series x Male Reader) [Kanto]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin