The Gods Have Spoken

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The wind called to me, as the trees swayed. The river hummed to me as my skin shinned in the sun. A hunt. Normal life for a Vikings daughter. The teachings were simple. Fight for blood. Fight for honor. Protect the clan at all costs. Viking woman were no ordinary woman. Sure, some stayed home to tend to the children and fend the fires. But some like myself, fought along side the men. It was my sixteenth year on this earth and my seventh in battle.

My father was a Viking warrior, while my mother was in the afterlife of Valhalla. I was an only child which meant one thing. I was the one to hold our pride alongside my father. I made my way a crossed a bed of rocks following the blood of the cat. The cat of the mountains. Father would be proud of my skill I thought to myself. My feet remained quite as I made my way through the tracks. A sly smile found my face for the enormous creature was feasting on my trap.

I pulled my arrow out and took my shot. A loud hiss sound was made in the contact. As the cat fell to the ground, I made my way to it. I watched the animal as it suffered. I took my blade out of my holster, and drew it to the heart. I thanked the gods for the meat given to our clan, and quickly struck the animal. Most would leave this part out, but before my mother passed she taught me to be thankful for anything given. When most didn’t have what we had.

“Revna, the Jarl and your father would like a word with you.” Frey spoke in Old Norse the Vikings language. He was always loyal and honest to his clan. I held major respect for him as my father did. I nodded.

“I have made a hunt. What shall I do with it if I am needed?” I pointed to the large beast.

“Myself and Sigurd will bring your hunt.” He smiled. I didn’t say much and walked towards our camp. Sigurd and I never really saw eye to eye. Perhaps due to my decline and fathers of his proposal of marriage. It wasn’t that he wasn’t a great warrior, but that I simply wasn’t ready and my father took pride in my opinion. Most woman were wedded by thirteen but perhaps, the death of my mother made my father cling to me a bit more.

I walked over to the Jarl’s tent and walked in. The smell of freshly cooked meat, and bread filled the air. My father sat a crossed from the Jarl as I made my presence known.

“Vidar,” I showed my respect to our chief, “Father. You asked for my presence.” Before my father had the chance to speak the Jarl beat him.

“Revna, you have aged well and have a woman’s body now. The gods have spoke of your future.” I looked at him a bit confused.

“My future?” I asked.

“Yes.” He put his drink down. “You know of the Dothraki?”

“I am aware of them.” I made my voice more clear.

“There Khal has asked for a treaty of sorts. It is rare that they do this, but we need his Dothraki warriors to finish our raid against the Plague clan. You are aware of the threat against our clan, the Talisman, and how strong they are compared to us.” He said using our clans name. I thought over his words. Yes, the Plague clan has threatened us many times, but never used any action. It would make sense that we were in need of stronger men, but why? What was Vidar’s real motive? Vidar was a man full of greed and selfishness yet my father seemed to never see it.

“Why do I taste it isn’t the threat but greed you seek from the Plague clan.” I couldn’t help the words escape.

“Revna, we are Vikings. We take as we please. Yes, our clan will gain lands from the raid, but also destroy a threat. The gods are on our side.”

“One that was given many moons ago.” I spoke harshly.

“Revna!” My father scolded my disrespect. I ignored him and continued.

“What does this have to do with the gods or my future?”

“Khal Droco has asked for your hand in marriage.” My scowl became hard. I was completely numb with his words. I looked at my father to see guilt and sadness in his eyes. My word was nothing if my father already agreed to it.

“You agreed to this, father?” I spoke with tears brimming my eyes. He looked coldly away from me.

“He is strong Revna. A king. He will make a great match.” These weren’t my fathers words, but the Jarl. He has gotten to my fathers head before I had a chance to give my fate a thought.

“So it is decided then.” I almost phased it as a question but I already knew my fate. I would be a Khalessi and no longer a Viking.

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