Chapter 1

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A train horn whistles in the distance. Though, it's hard to tell if it's just an illusion.

The ghost hums a familiar tune, broken and distorted like a broken music disc. Legs swinging on the edge of the platform, waiting for the train to pass, just like it always did.

Wow, how many years has it been? Well, definitely longer than that bad man who hurt his brother. He seems to wonder how his brother is fairing. Well, after all these years, left alone with only his friend, The ghost seems to be fairing quite...well.

'Friend, as yes, Friend. Friend was a blue sheep that smells vaguely of alcohol and burnt toast, and now, in the afterlife, he's taken the form of a ram hybrid. Schlatt is what he wants me to call him, though I refuse. Friend will always be Friend to me. His blue sweater sown from the remaining blue I had when Friend took his new form.'

"Hey, crazy ghost bitch, stop humming that stupid symphony already, we aren't going back," The ghost paused his melody, before his broken vocal cords started to strum.

First, it was a wheezing chuckle, but it seemed to grow into a maddening, broken laugh. He was crying wasn't he? He seemed to never run out of sadness anymore, and Friend wasn't helping.

The ghost continued to swing his legs, leaning back a bit to stare at Friend while he heard the train gaining closer. His stare seemed emotionless, though on the inside, the ghost was filled with different emotions. The main one that burned deep inside his broken soul, was revenge.

That mange ridden evil alive maniac needed punishment for hurting Tommy.


The screech of brakes awoke the ghost from his fit. He sat up quickly, hearing friend sit up behind him. The train was stopping.

The train was stopping

The ghost jumped up onto his feet and quickly ran to the entrance, Friend was waiting there already.

The door screeched open, and the conductor was the same as always, that green bitch.

"Alright, cmon Schlatt, we got work to do."

The ghost's heart dropped, but he had a plan.

"Oh Friend! You're leaving me too? Please don't go! We've had so much Fun together haven't we?"
His smile grew into a grin, his arms opening up wide. He chuckled a bit, eyes glinting in a way that made Dream perk up.

"Hell no, you stay away from me you crazy, delusional ghost freak!" Friend shrieked, and hopped onto the train quickly. Dream stayed, staring at him. Perfect.

"Hey Ghostbur, how would you like to help me and Friend with something?" His voice seemed to grin.

"Oh, anything to stay with my Friend! Anything!" The ghost grinned happily, and hopped on beside Friend.

"Off we go." Dream started the train, and it headed toward the light that Ghostbur always dreamed of reaching. He was back.


When Ghostbur awoke, he was at his- no, Aliveburs grave. But, Ghostbur isn't a ghost anymore, is he?

He quickly ran to a rain puddle, and glanced at his appearance.

His gray skin was stitched back together, his gray hair having a white streak zipping through it. His sweater was a bright blue, and he had a scarf around his neck. Tommy's scarf.

Ghostbur grinned, before breaking out into a maniacal laugh. He stared at the sky, and cried.

After his fit, he quickly escaped, finding a piece of paper with a note from Dream.

Welcome back Ghostbur, glad to have you.

Yeah right. Ghostbur quickly retaliated in his mind, but shook his head to continue reading.

You're job is to find Friend, and Find Revivedbur, then break me out. Good luck, you won't regret this. -Dream

Oh he was so not going to listen to that Green Bitch.

His new job is one he assigned to himself long ago, revenge.
He would find Alivebur, and kill him. Then, he would kill Dream and burn his stupid book. Good thing he knows where to find it.

When Dream killed him, he had taken his book out of the hiding place he chose in the prison. A stupid place below the chest with empty books, an easy find.

And so, Ghostbur set out on his quest.

First, he had to gear up, and he knew the perfect person to go to.


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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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