Show time, Pasts, and Kicking Ass

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 "Give it back!" yelled Johnny and Jimmy at the same time as Briar snatched the beer and wine from their hands.

"No way," she said, shaking her head and keeping the bottles out of their reach. "You lot got a show in three hours, and you can't play the drums when your stumblin' drunk!" She then turned to Johnny. "And we will not have a repeat of what happened in Brazil, Short Shit." Both the musicians pouted.

"She's right, dude. Time to go!" Matt announced, stepping off the bus. Briar then proceeded to the back of the bus, bottles still in hand, to find all the girls gathered around what had been so 'cleverly' named, the Merch Chart. And according to the Merch Chart, it was AnnaMae's turn to work the booth.

"Yes!" Briar exclaimed. "Not my night to work merch!" She flopped down in a chair and took a swing of Jimmy's beer in celebration.

"Why do you hate doing merch so much?" asked Randi, taking the wine from her friend's grasp.

"You know why," she insisted. "All those bloody perverts apparently think I'm part of the merchandise or some shit like that, 'cause they can't keep they're hands off me!" Emmarosa laughed before squeezing on the chair beside Briar.

"Well, can you blame them?" she teased. "If I were a guy, I wouldn't be able to keep me hands off you, either!" The blonde poked Briar in the ribs, causing her body to jerk the other way and make her giggle. All the girls laughed.

"Alright then, mates, shall we?" Briar asked.

"I believe we shall," said AnnaMae with a grin. (AnnaMae's pic is in the little media box thing :3)

SKIP TO SHOW~~ Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost...

    There's nothing Briar loved more than to stand in the wing of the stage and watch all the guys perform. They all had such passion that just hypnotized her every time she watched. She loved how you could always tell what they were feeling, because they let it out through their music.

Matt and Zacky always told her she had the same passion whenever she played her guitar or drums or any of the other seventeen instruments she could play, but she just couldn't see it. The intensity she sees in Avenged is something she doesn't think possible for herself.

Matt was alway the interactive one on stage. He loved to involve the audience, and was always singing to them. Whether is was bringing them on stage, or pointing out their signs they'd made, he always reached out to them in some way.

Johnny was always the funny one to watch. We was constantly dancing around, headbanging to his own music, or sometimes just sitting on the drum riser, just being Johnny. He was probably the most entertaining.

Jimmy, despite himself, was always the serious one on stage. You never guess after meeting him, but he never spoke in between songs and always had a look of intensity while his arms flew effortlessly over the drums.

Syn was the in between. Sometimes he was dancing around, making faces at the crowd, cracking jokes, you name it. He was always the unpredictable one.

And then, you had Zacky. He was the one Briar could never get her black eyes off of. He was always so engrossed in his playing that it's almost like he forgot the audience was there until the song was over. He always had the most surreal expression when playing, and it was absolutely incredible to watch.

Putting all this together, you get the unreal experience that is Avenged Sevenfold. So there Briar stood, a small smirk on her lips as she hummed along to Almost Easy. Emmarosa and Randi stood behind her, dancing and shooting glances at their boys. Usually, Briar would be doing the same; jumping around and head banging, at a concert, but not this one. Never when it was the guys.

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