nine hours

512 8 8

At 5 a.m., I found myself unable to sleep due to the excitement of heading to Malia's birthday party at The Bahamas. It's like a dream come true to be attending such an extravagant event with rich people. I decided to invite Finn as my companion since Amy looked really down and unwell. I thought she just needed some time to herself. 

After an hour of getting ready and packing for the four-day trip, I emerged from my room all set for the adventure. I grabbed some breakfast before heading out, feeling ecstatic about the trip. I had already informed my parents about my plans, and everything was falling into place for this weirdly exciting journey.


Actually, it was Lorenzo who told my parents about the trip. He came over for dinner at my house yesterday, and it was a bit strange to see him in a different light. Surprisingly, my parents seemed to really like him, probably because of his good looks and polite demeanour. After dinner, we went to my room, and as we entered, Lorenzo called my name, bringing my attention to him.

"I have something for you, y/n," he says, and I turn around to see what he's talking about. To my surprise, he hands me the newest, untouched iPhone.

"Oh no, I can't take this," I gently decline his offer.

"No, here," he insists, still giving me the phone.

"But—" I try to protest, but he interrupts me by tossing me a coat. As I examine the coat closely, I realise it's the same one from the elevator. "Oh, you found it," I remark.

Lorenzo sits on my bed and continues, "And paid for it."

I was thinking to myself, where has this side of Lorenzo been all this time? I pondered. He made me feel truly valued, and it felt strange yet appealing. Instead of the irritating and bitchy Lorenzo, I wished he could be like this more often.

I sat next to him on my bed and said, "Thank you so much, Lorenzo. I appreciate everything, including the phone, the jacket, and paying for Malia's birthday trip to the Bahamas."

"Don't be," he replied with the sweetest smile I had ever seen on his face. It was similar to Louis', but coming from Enzo, it felt even more soothing. His smiles were rare, making this moment feel special.


I eventually got out of bed and drove to the airport. There, I met Finn and the rest of the group. I still had an uneasy feeling around Lorenzo. Am I falling for him? 

Both Enzo and Louis greeted my with smiles. My heart was racing, fuck, I like both of them and I am now about to be stuck with both of them in a plane for nine whole hours. 


We got onto Malia's private jet and settled into the most luxurious seats available. Finn kept bombarding Malia with questions about New York, leaving me alone with some champagne. The plane was pleasantly cool and cozy, lulling me into a deep sleep for a solid three hours.

Waking up with four hours remaining, I found Louis beside me, engrossed in the book I had chosen for him. He looked incredibly handsome. Sensing my wakefulness, he turned to me.

"Hey, sorry if I am taking any space, the seat I was in was right underneath the aircon and It got freezing but I saw an empty seat next to yours and plus you were asleep so I just thought I might come here and warm up a bit. If that's okay with you?" Louis explained with the hottest morning raspy voice.

"Y- yea, no that's fine." I awkwardly muttered, distracted by his voice. 

He chucked and made that smile again.


Everyone else on the plane was sleeping, leaving just the two of us awake. When he whispered to me, "So, you and Lorenzo, huh? Didn't really expect that," 

I was at a loss for words. When Enzo and I kissed, I was not certain about my feelings for him, yet here I was conversing with a boy who expressed surprise about my kiss with his best friend.

"Uh, yea, It was really unexpected." I said, starting to shiver cause it seemed as though the cold is starting to get to me. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Louis expressed his concern.

"Oh yea I'm fine its just getting a little cold on this side of the plane." 

"I have a blanket we can share. If you don't mind?" He asked with his eyes lit up.

"Yea of course, thanks" I replied while he dragged the other half of the blanket over to my body.

We laid there both snuggled up in the blanket when I started to fall asleep again.

I woke up just in time before the plane landed, discovering Louis' head resting on my shoulder. He was sound asleep, looking so cute and calm. As the plane touched down and the turbulence jolted everyone awake, including Louis, my mind raced with thoughts about Lorenzo. If he had seen Louis resting his head on my shoulder, he would probably have pushed me off the plane. 

love or loyaltyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora