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All was good in the NDR. The people were happy, the economy was booming, and the land was large and plentiful. All was peaceful until a loud shriek broke through the silence.

Karl: What the hell was that for!?

Ann: Pay attention numbnuts! Didn't you hear? Briefings in 10 minutes, and your here with your head in space!

Karl: I'm sorry somebody had get us extra PT!

Ann: Oh don't even start with me Karl, we went over this.

Karl: I'll drop it.

Ann: Thank yo-

Karl: For now.

Ann: Dammit Karl *sigh* You win.

Karl: HA!

The two then made it over to the briefing room for their mission. As they entered the building they noticed a grim expression on the commanders face. Sitting down for briefing, Karl whispered to Ann

Karl: Wonder why the kommandant looks so worried.

Ann: Pay attention and don't worry about it Karl

Karl: Okay, fine.

Commander: You have been called here for a investigation type mission, you and a team of researchers will venture outside of base and investigate sightings of monsters. They have a black and white coloration and appear to have some form of armor.
The Commander puts up a picture of a beowulf.

Franz: Looks like one of the kampfhund in our calvary.

Ann: Or a mutant bear.

Karl:  That too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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