I see the small flush rise from her neck up to her cheeks when I back away just enough to get another good look at her. She lets out a small breath but keeps her eyes closed. I know her nerves must be shot after the conversation with Evan and having to be here tonight. I lean back in again, this time wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into me again. "I've been going crazy since I left you on that beach." Now I close my eyes, mustering all the courage I can to tell her what I need to. "Tell me he lost you. Tell me he was too late because I don't think I can spend one more night this close to you with out making you mine."

Opening my eyes again, I move back, watching closely as her eyes open and turn to mine. Her voice is intoxicating as she turns and presses herself against me so she can reach my ear. The heat of her breath across my skin has me so revved up I want to beg her to forget the dinner and come up to my room with me right now. Her hand grips my bicep as she whispers, "He was too late. It seems I've moved on to bigger and better adventures." She moves her face back for just a second and I turn my head to look into her eyes. That's the best news I've ever heard. Her hand on my arm pulls me back against her. "Would you be interested in that?" She's teasing now, her arm gently stroking up mine until it is wrapped around my neck.

"I've been interested in that—in you--since I first saw you. You've been the woman of my dreams and in my dreams since I was a teenager. I just want to make sure you're ok with what might happen if Rachel and Evan find out." I hate to remind her, but right now we are pushing the boundaries in front of a few mutual friends and I know that pushing it any further in public is going to lead to stares and raised brows.

"I don't want to take any attention away from the bride." I feel her arm slide from my neck as she puts a little space between us. With a quick look over her shoulder, she surveys the room for any sign that we've been obvious. I love that she was so lost in me that she hadn't seemed to notice the other people.

"Unless you plan on leaving the room, I don't think you can be successful at that sweetheart. You'll always take the attention off Rachel when you're around." I'm rewarded with a small smile and it warms me deep inside. I offer her my arm and she takes it. I lead us over to the group and I feel her hand leave as various people come up to greet us. I feel the loss of her immediately even though she is still close. I want her with me no matter what the consequences are. If Evan is a true friend, he will want me to be happy even if that means I date her. If he can't accept it then I guess our friendship has had a good run, because she's my future.

When the hostess finally announces it's time to get started, I find my place setting and feel such relief when I see that Sophie will be beside me. I watch as she glances down the table, searching for her name card and raising her smiling face to mine when she sees where it's placed. I pull her chair out and she sits, scooting a little closer to my seat as she moves hers closer to the table.

We are offered our choice of three meals and the wine begins to flow. I notice she's taking it easy now on the wine, mostly cradling it in her hand as she chats with a few of the women around us. I'm trying not to be obvious as I sneak a glance at her every so often. When our salads arrive, the table quiets down and I can't take not touching her any longer. I slip my hand under the table and rest it on her bare knee. No one will be able to now it's there except the two of us, and it seems like the perfect solution to my need to have her skin on mine.

Sophie doesn't acknowledge it, playing into my game of being stealth. Conversation begins to pick up again as people finish their salads and the wine continues to be poured, creating a buzz for a lot of the people around us. When she lifts her glass to her lips again, I slip my hand up a little higher on her thigh. She pauses for a second with the glass resting on her perfectly plump lower lip and I know that my touch is most definitely affecting her. I love it.

We don't talk to each other the entire time we are seated at the table. I catch a glimpse of Evan watching us every so often, but I don't let on that anything is happening. Instead, I wait for a moment where she isn't wrapped up in another person and I slip my fingers softly along her inner thigh, slowly advancing my position on her leg. I'm beginning to think I have the upper hand until she laughs at something another guest has said and sets her hand high on my thigh, squeezing for a second before letting it climb higher and dangerously close to the center of my lap.

We are served dinner, but I barely pay attention to it. I can't focus on anything anyone is saying, my attention completely on the way her warm and slightly gripping hand feels on me. It's sending heat up my leg and to the part of my body that has been aching for her all night. It's a dangerous game we're playing, but I couldn't stop it if I tried. The truth is I wouldn't want to. Just when I think I can't take it any longer, Rachel announces we'll be moving out onto the beach to go through the ceremony quickly for practice.

I don't want to let her go. It's the most primal of all feelings, a deep need to touch her and make sure she knows just how badly I want her. I don't think I've ever been so turned on by just a hand on my thigh. I know it's more than that. It's her voice, her laugh, her scent and the way the air between us seems charged with an energy that's almost visible.

As everyone begins to file out into the hotel lobby I strengthen my hold on her thigh, signaling to her not to move. She doesn't fight it, just plays with her glass as if she needs to finish the last sip. When I'm sure enough people have left and the attention is no longer on either of us, I lean into her and let my hand move the last few inches until I can feel the lace of her panties with my finger. "Stay with me tonight."  

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