Chapter One

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"Kathrine, don't put that in your mouth", I warn as I put a plaster on Nils' thumb.
"There you go", I mumble.

"Thank you", he says sadly.

I smile quickly at the boy before I make my way to Kathrine. She smiles mischievously, and I shoot her a somewhat intimidating look. She sighs and takes the small piece of Lego out of her mouth again.

"Don't do that again", I say seriously. "It's dangerous."

And not hygienic.

Fortunately, the bell rings. It was a chaotic day in the kindergarten, but I'm glad it's over. The year is almost over as well. Almost summer vacation, like I'm back in high school, and I couldn't be more glad. The years off I took got me out of that rhythm. I quite enjoy being here, and the kids are adorable, most of the time. Sometimes, it's all a little bit too much, though. Right now, I could definitely use a break.

"Okay, everyone, sit down, please", I instruct the kids. And to my relief, they all listen to me.
"If the whole classroom is nice and clean, you can all go."

There are only a few things left, and it only takes a minute to put them back where they belong. The kids go back to their seats and look at me expectantly.

"Good job, guys. Very good", I smile. "You all did well today, I'm proud of you. Now, enjoy the weekend, and I'll see you next week. I can't wait to hear about your weekends when you guys get back!"

Chattering rises up after I've spoken those last words, and almost everyone stands up. They grab their things, say bye to me, and go out of the classroom. Their parents are waiting for them, and they take over from me.

"I liked today", Nils says shyly. He had walked up to me when the others were leaving.

I look at him and smile once again. "Me too. It was a good day, right? Take care of your thumb."

"Yes", he smiles softly and turns around, then runs towards the exit.

When he has left the room, I look up and see that Siobhan hasn't left her place. It's just me and her in the room now. She plays with her hands and doesn't look at me. I have no idea what's going on or whether she is upset or whatever. I make my way towards her and kneel down.

"Hey, Siobhan."

She doesn't reply.

"Is something going on?" I ask politely.

Immediately, tears form in her eyes. It's heartbreaking to see anyone sad. I wish I could help, but then she needs to let me.

"What's up, Siobhan?" I try again.

"I don't want to go home", she says ever so quietly, I almost couldn't catch it.

"You don't want to go home?" I repeat softly, thinking she would appreciate it if I kept the volume down. "Why's that?"

"Because the fighting."

"Fighting? Who are fighting?"

"Mommy and daddy", she cries softly.

"I'm sorry", I say, and I touch her back and rub it softly.
"Uh... How do they fight?"


"Do they ever push each other, or...?"

"No. I don't know. I don't know."

"Okay... Do they ever yell at you too?"

"No. Sometimes, no."

"Are they coming to pick you up now?"

Siobhan shrugs. I look behind me and don't see the people I know as her mom or dad standing in the hallway. They could be waiting outside or could be late. 

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