Chapter 4

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"Can you move your hands now" Miranda asked as Ben had his hands covering her eyes

"Wait.....we're almost there, okay open your eyes" he moved his hands and she gasped at the sight

"You like it" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek

"It's beautiful Ben" she smiled

"Good" he pulled out her seat for her

At the dinner they were talking, laughed, and having a good time

"Ben, I have to be honest with you" she said getting serious

"What's wrong" he asked

"All of the things we've been doing for the past's too much, and I'm starting to fall for you" she sighed

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked

"I honestly don't know"

"Well I'm falling for you hard so in my eyes it's not a bad thing" he said

"What about Eli" she asked

"Forget him Miranda, I want you to be with me and be mines"

"Ben" she sighed

"You trust me right" he asked


"Okay so be with me"

"Ben I ca-"

"Tell me Miranda....tell me you want to be with me" he got up and walked in front of her

He knew the things he was doing were wrong, and not part of the plan, but he was falling for her, and he couldn't think of what it would be like by letting her go

"Miranda" he lifted her head up to him

She nodded her head as he kissed her lips

"I love you Miranda"

"I love you Benjamin" she did a little smile

At home, Miranda waited for Eli to walk in the door it was going on 1:30 am and he still wasn't home, but she was so nervous about how she was going to break it off with him. 5 years, did she really want to let that go.

"Hey, what are you doing up" Eli said walking in the front door

"Where have you been?" Miranda asked

"Out with some guys" he shrugged

"You know what it doesn't matter, I need to talk to you" she sighed

"About what"

"Eli, I can't do this any more" she looked at him as he had this confused look spread across his face

"Do what Miranda, what are you talking about" he asked

", okay we are done"

"Miranda, I don't have time for this okay, and I know you're mad that I came home late okay I know you're just saying these things, so let's just go to bed, and we'll talk about it in the morning" he said walking closer to her

"No, Eli I'm serious" she moved away from him, she looked at him as he started to laugh

"Miranda, you aren't leaving me okay we have been through hell and back for 5 years, and you think I'm just going to let you walk away from this" he said getting serious at how serious she was

"Eli, you have no choice but to let me walk away and you do the same, you think I like that you come home late at night like this, and how last weekend was the first time in a year you took me on a date, and how you always blow me off for "work" I mean damn I work at a hospital and I'm home most of the time" she fussed as she felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulder

"Miranda you're not leaving me" he said looking at her

"I'm done" she grabbed her purse, keys, and walked out the front door

"Miranda!" Eli yelled but she kept walking

"Hey, what are you doing here, and what's wrong what happened" Callie said as she opened the door to see a crying Miranda

"Uh... can I come in"

"Of course, Miranda it's 3:00 in the morning girl what's wrong" Callie said fixing some tea

"I broke with him" Miranda huffed


"Eli, I broke up with him for someone else" Miranda sighed

"What!...why...who?" Callie asked sitting the cup in front of Miranda

"Okay so, you know the man that was at the hospital" Miranda asked

"The cute one" Callie said

"Yes" she rolled her eyes " but he was the one I met at that the club the first time you took me, and even before that I met him when I went on my morning jog, and he was the one sending me flowers at work" Miranda said as she went on to tell Callie everything

"You threw away 5 years for a man that you've known for what all of 5 minutes Miranda" Callie asked

" you don't have to say it like that Callie" Miranda rolled her eyes

"And yes, he showed me the world in only a month yes I've been with Eli way longer, but I've never felt the way I do with Ben when I'm with Eli, I love Ben" Miranda said

"Wait...what do you mean you love him Miranda"

"Just like I said, I love him and he loves me too" Miranda said surely

" Miranda you can't-

"Look, I came here looking for a friend to vent to, and not judge me" Miranda got up and walked out

Getting to a hotel, she saw it was 5:30 in the morning and she knew she wasn't going to work in the morning

Getting into her hotel room Miranda sat on the bed

"Did I really do the right thing" she asked herself.

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