"Oh Merlin 'Drian! You're a natural!" Rosemary exclaimed softly, yet excited. "Thank you, Rosie!" Hadrian said in return and left to look after his plants in the greenhouses. He had some of the rarest plants in there, like Mimbulus Mimbletonia or Venomous tentacula.

Hadrian was always good with herbology, but it wasn't his best subject. He loved everything magical that he could learn and his best subjects are ancient runes, spell crafting, and defense against magic, he wouldn't think of it as 'defense against the dark arts since it was the casters will be what is important. You can kill with a 'light' spell as much as you can heal with a 'dark spell'! Hadrian practiced every kind of magic - well except soul magic.

The next day, when he woke up Hadrian was dressed in a dark blue Nike sweater and black jeans with white Nike shoes.

He left his wing at ten before ten and quietly walked through west- and north-wing until he accidentally walked into Lily

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He left his wing at ten before ten and quietly walked through west- and north-wing until he accidentally walked into Lily. "Sorry," he muttered and wanted to walk away, when the redhead held his wrist and dragged him into, what he knew to be the family salon. "Would you please let me go? I have other places to be at, like right now," he said coldly, but she didn't let go of his wrist. "Mother, Lily! I have a meeting with someone in ten minutes. Let me go!" his voice as emotionless as he spoke to the person that had given birth to him. "No, Harry! We'll go school shopping and yesterday was your sister's Birthday!" she scolded him. Hadrian growled at his old name and the mention of his twin sister.

"Urg! I should have known that you would forget again!" Lily stood frozen. "What have I forgotten Harry?" she asked, playing kindly. He rolled his eyes. "My name is Hadrian, woman! Hadrian, it isn't that hard to remind is it?" he sneered. "Oh never mind! Stop playing with me, Lilliane! And since your to full of Lucy, it was my birthday yesterday as well! But why would you need to remember, right? I'm not your little Miss perfect golden girl, isn't it? Wasn't that the reason I was left in the south wing?  Wasn't that the reason I was disowned by you and James? Isn't that the reason I only ever get presents from uncle Peter and uncle Barty? Isn't that the reason why you never felt the need to check up on me! By Helga's expensive greenhouses! I could have died and you probably wouldn't even know it!" The last sentence was the only one where he raised his voice but he had the same icy cold ton. Hadrian had of course noticed his father and a fat black-haired girl walk in, but he ignored them in favor of sending a message to Peter through their godfather-bond. *North-wing, family salon. Had a confrontation with the golden three, come through the floo.* He glared at his family before he dropped into one of the armchairs. "What do you want? I have an appointment with my uncles in about-" he looked over to the fireplace which flammed up toxic green. "-right now." he said standing up to greet his three uncles.

His uncle Peter had dark blond hair and light blue-grey eyes. He hugged the rat animagus and whispered his thanks for the bracelet, again. "Hi, uncle Wormy! I trust that you know the persons who gave birth to me together with Lucinda." Peter smiled at his godson. "Hello, little sun. Of course, I know them, James, Lily, Lucinda." he greeted them with nods, before Hadrian was taken away from his uncle Pete and into his uncle Regs arms. "Sunshine! You got bigger since I saw you last!" Regulus Black exclaimed happily. He had black hair and grey eyes with blue sprinkles. "Uncle Reg! It wasn't that long ago, you know, just one month! But I've got to show you something Rosemary showed me yesterday!" Hadrian whispered an 'Accio' and then the painting from yesterday popped up in the air in front of them. "Look! She showed me how to draw with acryl colors!" he showed his uncles the painting and made sure that his blood family saw it as well.

Then Hadrian turned to his uncle Barty and hugged him as well. "Bartemius! You promised that you would send me your notes on the spell we worked on last time!" he pouted. "I haven't got them 'till now." Barty laughed at his honorary godson and handed him three thick journals. "I know, I know! But, now you have all the other notes of my spells as well as Reg's potions and Peter's new breed creatures." Hadrian carefully took his uncle's journals and hugged Barty again. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The three death eaters smiled at the galaxy-haired boy before turning and looking to the golden three who were shocked that Hadrian showed emotions, which he never did after Halloween night 1981.

James got himself together and smiled at his old friend. "Wormtail! My friend, I'm happy to see you again!" Peter sneered and his cold mask appeared on his soft face, while he pushed Hadrian behind him. "James, we're not friends right now and you don't look too happy about me caring for my godson." "Uncle Wormy! I felt Remus and Sirius enter this wing," he whispered to his uncle so his parents didn't hear. Lucy shook out of her trance and gritted her teeth. "Why is he here daddy! He takes away all my attention." "Pathetic." Regulus sneered at the 'girl-who-lived'.

In this scene, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black burst when entering the family salon just seconds later. They froze at the sight of their old friend (Peter), Sirius' brother (Regulus), whose best friend (Barty) and Hadrian standing in front of the fireplace and opposite from them their best friends (Lily and James) and their goddaughter (Lucy). "What's happening here?" Remus asked and looked at Lily who wasn't back from her trance so Hadrian answered for her. "I wanted to leave and visit my uncles when I bumped into Lily and she dragged me here, when uncle Wormy, uncle Reggie and uncle Barty came out of the floo. And then you two came."

Remus started to grin, while Sirius practically jumped up and down. "Family reunition!" they said together but Hadrian shook his head no. "Nuh-oh!" Remus pouted! "Oh, come on cub! We missed you!" Sirius nodded, along with Lily and James, while Lucy gave up trying to catch anyone's attention and she flood over to her best friends. "Sorry, but I'm not your cub Remus, I'm not Sirius' pup, James' troublemaker, or Lily's sweetheart. You had that chance, ten years ago, when you decided to give me up and again seven years ago when you decided that I am to live in the south wing alone! By Rowena's diadem, I was fucking four years old! I had to cook, I had to talk and walk alone, I had to clean up, I had to read and respond to letters! And the only persons I had were uncle Peter, uncle Reg, uncle Barty, uncle Franky, and aunty Ali! Oh for fucks sake! They are more my family than you five are." he took a deep breath to calm himself, even if you didn't see that on his face, he was angry! "I'm Peter's sun, I'm Regulus' sunshine, I'm Barty's galaxy, I'm Ali's honey and god I'm even Franky's buddy. They are my family since you disowned me seven years ago!" At that, he looked straight at his birth-father. "You fucking disowned your heir, your son! You disowned a powerful pureblood-child and didn't even know it, 'cause I was never worth your time! You never bothered!" After that, there was a silence that was icy cold and awkward, at least for the Potter's, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black.

Hadrian knew that this wasn't what death had planned for him and his family, but honestly? He liked his life, right now. Regulus had an arm around Barty, while Peter had a hand on Hadrian's shoulder all three smiling proudly at him. James and Sirius glared at him while Lily looked worried for her husband and Remus was sobbing. "So you're considering them your family after everything that we have done for you?!" Hadrian sneered. "And what exactly have you done for me? I had to do everything alone when I was four years old and for what? So you could save me when I'm eleven years old and everything will be forgotten? So we'd have been a proper family again, after fucking seven years? Do you even know who watched me the whole time?" He titled his head. "Maybe you should ask your ancestors, James? Or you could ask the Blacks since you share blood with them? Or you'd ask a member of the supposed extinct bloodline of Shakespeare? Stopp, I forgot to tell you, they won't talk to you! I'm the heir, just the Potter line is yours and that is just because grandfather Fleamont died before you abandoned his supposed to be the heir." He looked to his side to see his uncles watching him proudly. "If that was it, I need to get my shopping done before it gets all full in the alley." He turned around and took the floo powder. "Oh and don't even try to get into my wing, because it's warded against everyone but myself." He stepped into the fireplace and just before he vanished he sent a double stinging hex towards James and Sirius.

A/N: so, Hadrian gave them a piece of his mind.
Till next week,

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