Those who come between us

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Jimin was humming happily, he was waiting for Jungkook to come back to the dorm, he hadn't been around much today but he'd just text Jimin to say he was on his way back and starving, so Jimin was cooking some food ready for him.
"Hmmmm, that smells nice, can I taste it?"RM said.
The smaller boy nodded," I'll just add extra for Jungkook as he will be here soon."
"You spoil him, always at his beck and call"
"I like to," Jimin smiled, he had the biggest crush on Jungkook, had done since BTS got together, he was too shy to tell him but hoped he'd notice by all the little things he did for him.
Tae was aware of his crush but only because Jimin had been crying one day in his room thinking Tae and Jungkook were a couple, getting the truth out of him Tae had assured him they were just friends and that's all they would ever be, since then Tae had been a jikook shipper, getting them together for any reason.
Jungkook came in and back hugged the smaller boy as he cooked," Jiminee is that for me your the best."
Jimin smiled as Jungkook grabbed a plate dishing up some of the food.
"Hey slow down, haven't you eaten today?" Jimin said watching the other wolf down his food.
Jungkook shrugged, Jimin took the chance to ask the other what he wanted to do that night, should they watch tv or play games?
"Not tonight Jimin......I'm going out."
"Oh I'll come..., where to?"
"Nah Jimin," Jungkook blushed," I'm going on a date."
Jimin stared face frozen, "d-date?"
"Yer I met her today, she's cool, likes the things I like, laughs a lot, would you believe she didn't know who I was!!I had to Google BTS!"
No thought Jimin I wouldn't believe she didn't know who you were.
"S-so a date huh, that's quick."
"She may be the one Jimin, I really like her,"
Pain shot through Jimins chest, No this couldn't be happening surely, all these years he waited, he'd lived in a dream world, Kookie obviously didn't think of him in that way.
"Enjoy your night," Jimin whispered, turning and leaving the room, ignoring the concerned look Tae threw at him as he brushed past.
"Hey Kook, is Jimin ok he looks pale."
"Does he ?I  didn't notice, I was just telling him about my date tonight."
"Yer I met her today, she's perfect for me, who knows where this could lead," Jungkook said grinning, then he went to shower and get ready.
Tae knocked on Jimins door opening it to see the small boy sitting on his bed staring blankly at the wall.
"Jimin, you okay?"
Jimin turned seeing his friend look at him in concern ," hey Tae....., he told you huh? How stupid am I , all this time..., I thought...., well time  for me to grow up, it was a dream that's all and dreams don't come true do they....,at least not for me," he tried to laugh it off but it came out as a sob, Tae hugged him tightly," sssh, Jimin it will be ok, maybe it will end after tonight?"
"Don't you see Tae.....,he has never even considered me, not once, it was all my wishful thinking."
"We don't know what sort of girl she is he could get bored of her."
"He said something odd, that she had never heard of BTS, that seems weird, our pictures are everywhere,"
"Your right that is peculiar,"
"Let him talk to you about her I don't think I could listen but I want him to be ok."
Tae nodded, then Jimin said he wanted to be on his own so he left, frowning and wondering about Jungkooks date.
The next day and Jungkooks face was beaming as they all ate breakfast," I'm telling you it's like she was made for me, everything I like she likes too, finally someone I can be with," a loud clatter came as Jimin dropped his spoon."sorry," he whispered, getting up and taking his bowl to the sink before leaving to go back to his room.
"So are we going to meet miss wonderful ," Hobi said
"As long as you don't steal her away!" Jungkook laughed.
"Invite her over for afternoon tea today, I'll bake a cake and cookies," Jin said.
Jungkook nodded delighted that his friends would meet her.
Jimin of course wasn't aware of this but upon hearing the doorbell later that afternoon he came from his room to see who it was, immediately wishing he hadn't when he saw Jungkook introducing a pretty girl to the others" oh and this is Jimin," Jungkook said.
The girl seemed to study Jimin before saying"hello I'm Mei hyun...., so you're Jimin the other part of the fake jikook huh?"
"Jikook just fan service isn't it, I mean Jungkook obviously wouldn't be with you."
There was an awkward silence ," I thought you didn't know anything about BTS?" Tae said.
"Oh er, of course I didn't but I looked you all up after  Jungkook and I started dating," she grabbed onto Jungkook smiling at him as the others talked around them only Tae noticing the calculating look in her eyes as she glanced between Jimin and Jungkook.
She sat down as Jin served up refreshments, she seemed to want to talk with everyone except Jimin, making little digs that nobody but Jimin seemed to notice," so Jimin you have a girlfriend ,no?maybe it's because fans think Jikook is real , you should get a girl so they stop all this nonsense, jungkook shouldn't have to lie." Or later when she was shown older pics of BTS she  said of one of just Jungkook and Jimin," oh Jimin, I suppose you have to watch what you eat look at you here a lot chubbier."
"Hey babe, don't say that Jimin looks cute,"
"Oh of course he does Kookie, but you look cuter," she said hugging him.
Jimin  just stayed quiet , he couldn't lie to himself he hated the girl something about her just sent warning signals through him, he was probably being paranoid he thought.
"So where are you taking me tonight, Kookie, shall we go to that new restaurant , oh no better not it's a bit expensive and I really don't have the clothes for it,"
"Well let's go shopping then babe and I'll book us a place," taking his phone he pulled his girlfriend up and took her out as he made a call. Jimin went back to his room as the others looked at each other.
"Well,I'll say it then," said Suga," she's a bitch."
"Did you see how she wormed her way into Kookie buying her clothes!!"Jin said.
"The snide comments she made at Jimins expense too," Tae said.
"As if Jimins feelings aren't hurt enough," RM said
Jin,Hobi and  Suga nodded, Tae raised his eyebrows ," you know?"
"Of course we do , it's so obvious , we'll except to Jungkook and we don't mention it to Jimin as we don't want him to feel embaressed." Hobi said.
They all sighed worried about their small friend and wondering how much the girl was screwing out of Jungkook.

"Hey Mei what about this, jungkook said holding a dress up in beautiful pale pink, Mei came up, seemingly to look at it her eyes taking in the price tag," good choice but I don't know, what about this one?" She said picking up a more expensive dress and showing how much she liked it before acting coy," oh but I can't let you get this it's way too expensive," she said making out she would put it back but Jungkook stopped her go try it on he said, watching as she smiled and went to the changing rooms.
The shop had male and female attire, Jungkook wandered around while waiting seeing a lovely pale blue Jumper so soft, Jimin would look good in this he thought and he loved blue, he was holding it up as Mei came out, posing in the dress obviously loving it," well? Isn't it great!" Personally Jungkook liked the pink better but....
"So shall we get it?oh are you buying yourself a jumper ?" She quizzed him," what oh no, Jimin would like this he lives blue,"
Mei huffed but then put an uneasy expression on her face," Kookie wouldn't he feel embaressed though especially after we talked of shutting Jikook down?"
"You think so, I don't worry about shippers,"
"Well you should, I don't want people to say my boyfriend prefers a man!"
Jungkook laughed," ok I won't get the jumper happy?"
Mei nodded, she would show Jimin that Jungkook would never be his!

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