Chapter 3: Competition

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Mr Ambrose didn't know whether she felt his gaze or not, but suddenly, Lilly turned around and looked at him. Their eyes met, and her lips twitched.

That little...!

What right did she have to be amused by the fact of his presence, when he felt like strangling something just because she was here?

"... going twice, going three times, sold! To Mrs Edwin Young. And now, the prize of the evening. The painting The Elephant Celebes by Max Ernst. The bidding starts at seventy-five thousand pounds, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen."

Immediately, Mr Ambrose's attention was on the podium.

"Eighty thousand," called a gruff male voice from the back of the room. Turning his head just enough to see, Mr Ambrose caught sight of a big gentleman who bore considerable resemblance to the elephant in the painting. Maybe it was a portrait of his brother.

"Eighty thousand," called the auctioneer. "Eighty thousand, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen. Eighty thousands are bid. Anyone? Going once, going twice..."

"Eighty-one thousand," Mr Ambrose said in a bored voice.

"Eighty-one thousand, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Going once-"

"Eighty-five thousand," the elephant man proclaimed.

Mr Ambrose could have bid more at once. But he preferred not to appear too interested in the purchase.

"Thank you, Sir. Eighty-five thousand. Does anyone bid more for this beautiful painting of The Elephant Celebes? Going once, going twice..."

"Eighty-six thousand," Mr Ambrose yawned.

He heard something from the elephant man that might have been a supressed curse. The next moment, a slim hand rose above the heads of the crowd, and an elderly woman in a fur coat said: "Ninety thousand."

"Thank you, Madam. Ninety thousand pounds, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen. Ninety thousand pounds, going once, going twice..."

"Ninety-one thousand," Mr Ambrose cut in. He glanced at Lilly. She hadn't bid so far. She hadn't even moved. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe she wasn't interested in this particular piece, after all.

"Mr Rikkard Ambrose bids ninety-one thousand. Any takers, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen? Going once..."

"Ninety-four thousand." The old woman raised her hand again.

This time, Mr Ambrose decided not to wait. With them approaching a hundred thousand pounds, there could be little doubt among the audience any way that he wanted this picture.

"Ninety-five thousand!"

"Wonderful! Thank you, Sir. Ninety-five thousand pounds, everybody. Does anyone bid more than ninety-five thousand pounds?"

"A hundred thousand!"

Mr Ambrose would have known that voice anywhere. That note of defiance that would even try to stand up to a dragon or a fast approaching avalanche. He turned his head to gaze, mesmerized at Lilly Linton. She was sitting relaxed in her chair, one hand slightly raised to indicate her bid.

"A hundred thousand pounds! Thank you very much, Madam! A hundred thousand pounds, going once, going twice..."

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