♂: "Don't fucking mess with me."

Start from the beginning

"What am I going to do?! Talent?!" She screamed, shaking me. "I don't have talent and I'm going to let down Nana and then she's going to marry some asshole guy who probably uses linen as Kleenex and sleeps on satin sheets- What am I going to do?!"

"Relax," I huffed, removing her hands and patting her head. "If you can't baffle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit."

"What does that mean?" She asked, looking up at me blankly.

I smirked and leaned down, my face inches away from hers.

"It means- you do you. Don't try to be someone you're not, just be yourself."

"Did you get that off a t-shirt?"

"Shut up Aria."


"AARON, LOOK AT MY HAIR!" Aria yelled excitedly, throwing open the door and revealing her newly dyed auburn hair. "LOOK! DO I LOOK MATURE?!"

I just smiled and pointed behind me. "Nana got a dress made for you. The show starts in two hours so you should get ready," I stated, standing up and stretching.

I turned when I realized the room was quiet- which was unusual, because if Aria is in the room, it's never quiet. Aria stood behind me, mouth open and eyes wide like she had saw something scandalous.

"You have abs?!" She yelled, pointing at where my t-shirt rode up. "What?!?! How is that even fair?!"

"Aria, go put on your dress," I sighed.

"But abs. I've never seen them in real life! This is like- can I touch them?" She breathed eyes wide as she looked at me.

"Now you're just being creepy."

"Well, is there a way for me to ask to touch your abs without it being creepy?" She frowned.

At that moment, a shirtless male model walked by and halted behind Aria.

He also had abs.

The guy reached out to tap Aria's shoulders and I grabbed her hand, yanking her into the dressing room and slamming the door shut in the guys face.

"What the- Aaron what was that?!" Aria asked, her voice muffled in my t-shirt. "Aaron, you're messing up my hair."

"At least that's all that's going to be messed up," I muttered, pushing her towards the dressing room. "Now put the dress on so we can get out of here. Suspicious people everywhere here."

"Aaron, you have literally glared away any model that tries to approach you," Aria said, giving me a look. "Try to mingle with us tiny people- okay I'm tiny but they aren't because they're like, really tall models but like- you get my point!"

"Okay," I chuckled, pushing Aria into the dressing room. "Yeah yeah. Try not to do anything stupid in there."


"You're going to regret this."

"Yeah right," Nana snorted. "Leave. I don't know why my parents brought you but I'm going to win this and never see your face."

"Girls like you, always playing hard to get. But that's okay. I enjoy the chase."

"Why do guys like you always think that girls want you?! Get over yourself! And please remove you and your fat ego out of this room!" I heard her yell as I stared with concern at the room, ready to barge in if necessary.

"You're not going to win," The guy scoffed, exiting the room and glaring at me when he saw I was staring him down. "What are you looking at?"

I arched an eyebrow and rolled my eyes, kicking off against the wall and casually strolling into the room Nana was in- but not before tossing him a smirk. "Must suck to have all the money in the world and can't even get one girl."

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