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( No proofread)

No one's POV

After the chipmunk left the monkey, Lisa needed to go to her class now

So Lisa is now walking alone in the hallway, finding her room, she keeps looking at the door number and finally she found it, she was about open it but

she bump into someone


" What the fuck! Yahhh! How dare u to bump on me, don't you know me?!!? " A girl with cat eye yeld at the girl which cause the girl to get scared. Who wouldn't, the cat eyed girl glaring at the girl intently

" i-im s-orr- " Lisa staters couldn't think of something anymore, she's just scared. Cuz it's her first time someone shout at her

" Lisa?- " suddenly a familiar voice called Lisa so she atter her head and saw rose running into her and help her

"Yahh! R u ok? R u hurt? " She ask worriedly then hug lisa

"Tskk nerd " the cat eye girl mumble then roled her eyes and go to her sits and start to chit chat with her best friends

"I'm fine chip, don't worry " Lisa said weakly to rose and she nod

" Let's talk later in the cafeteria ok? " Rose whisper to the doe eye girl and go to her sits

Students were now looking at Lisa disgusting which made the doe eye look down, Lisa is introvert and she felt like wanna go home anymore she's draining especially now that everyone is staring at her

She's now Infront with the professor

" Okk class, we have new tranfer student here. Can u pls introduce yourself ?" The professor ask Lisa and the girl nod weakly

"U-h I-m L-isa I I am originally f-rom T-hailand, and I'm o-nly 17 y-ears old-" with that, the students start to murmur and look at her disgustingaly, the girl is actually not Korean and is different from them

" Eww Nerd! "

" Yuck, I won't ever gonna go close on that piece of shit"

" Fuck you, poor girl. Why r u even here?"

" You unworthy piece of shit! "

"She's so ugly "

"U don't belong here!! "

The students shout at Lisa who's totally in tears now. Shes hurt with the Words. She's trying to act ok and just smile but she just couldn't. Because the words hits different to her

On the other hands rose is worried for Lisa she's couldn't bare seeing her monkey cry, she glared at the students and was about to go to Lisa but stop when the Prof yeld she just sigh

" Quit! " The professor yeld which made the students stop and go back to their sits

Lisa wipes her tears and just smile beyond of those hurtful words she received

" Ok Lisa, u sit beside kim " the professor said and Lisa's eyes widden and Lisa looks at the vacant sit beside Jennie, Jennie was calm, she suddenly become soft and nod at the Prof which cause the students shook and start to get wild again

" Seriously babe? no"

" Babee? How bout me"

" Honeyy! Don't come near on that piece of shit "

" Jennie won't probably let that nerd sit beside her, she's unworthy"

" Jennie don't let that nerd, u can refuse, as for. U totally own the school! Pls babe "

"Jagiya don't let that shi-"

The student didn't finished her/ his words when the Prof cut off

"QUIT! For THE second Time!!, Or I will get you all to guidance! " With that, the students becomes quite

" okk, so Lisa. Go sit beside kim "


I glared at the students who speaking shit about the nerd

Idk but I started this feeling, yk when I bump into her, my heart beat beating fast, like idk what's happening to me but I dicide to ignore this feeling

I will just let this nerd sit beside me beside  there's no other vacant sit now, well don't think wrong, I'm not letting her sit beside me for a reason DUH I have my plans... I smirkk

So I'm now here waiting for this nerd to sit beside me like wtf, can't she just sit now. Aishh so anoing why she's still standing up

" Go to ur sit now Lisa" the Prof said again and Lisa walk towards my sit nervously especially the students glaring at her. But I glared to the students who's glaring at Lisa... Aishh what's happening to Mee!

" U-h- " Lisa staters Infront of me and I just smile at her which cause the students shook especially my Friends, tskk serves u right there bitch

" Sit " I said without looking at her and she sits besides me. I can see she's still nervous

" T-hank y-ou " with that, my heart start beating fast. OMG what's happening, stopp!

Did she just say thank you to me?!

Ok stop

" Ok class, get ur math books and open up to pages 34 " the Prof said and I get my math book anoingaly, I hate math aishhh well as of.  probably all of my classmates where anoid, who wouldn't

I look aver to Lisa and she's only calm she's smiling. What a handsome gir- oh waitt. What am I thinking againn?!! Okay erace! erace!

The class starts and I just found out, this nerd is smart, shes actually genius, she's perfect with the test which made us shook. What the heck, but really who cares who cares if she's Smart

" I'm impressed Lisa, out of all of the students, u are the only one who passed the test, keep up " the professor said smiling still impressed of Lisa

" Thank you sir " I heard Lisa said weakly

" Ok, class u can now take ur luchh, see you tomorrow " finally

We bid our goodbye to the professor and he left

I look at Lisa, she's actually fixing her things and putting inside her bag.

I saw rose coming towards our sits which I expect for her to come to Lisa well, they seemes very close. Who cares

" Lisa I'm so proud of you, I know u will be able to pass the test. Ur the best! "I heard rose said to Lisa and smile

" Thanks chipmunk " what the heck Chipmunk? Pfffttt

" No prob monkey, so let's go to The cafeteria. My treat, how's it?" Ok now monkey? What the fuck are they calling each other an animals name. Tskkkk it's sounds cringy for me but whatever the fuck they'll do I'm out of it

" Jen! Lets go! " I look over and saw nayeon calling me with the girls and I just roled my eyes to them

I quickly fixe my things, and put it inside my bags and i stop and look at the nerd beside me, she's obviously flirting with rose who's Called chipmunk tsk idc

I roled my eyes to them before I left the room

Tskk I still have a plan *smirk* let's see

Thats for today, Ill be making again sorry for the grammatical errors, first of English is not my first so I hope u spare with it. Don't forget to vote and comment, I need any suggestions for this story. Pls just comment I'll be reading it thank you

Jenlisa in your area

Hope u like ittt♥️


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