Chapter twenty-two - Code Name: Siren

Start from the beginning

They retrieved their gear and drew their blunt practice swords. Plagg was by no means graceful with a blade but Tikki wielded it with ease. The sound of clashing metal filled the room as the redhead took every available attack. If Plagg wasn't going to play fair, why should she?

The giant stumbled through parleys as Tikki's blade flew at him like a viper. At one point he left his ribs exposed and the blue-eyed woman went for the killing stroke.

But as she stepped forward, Plagg dropped his sword and scooped her up by the waist, and was spinning her around.

"Plagg stop." She commanded but her order was weak because she said it through a ward of giggles. Her weapon clattered on the floor next to its companion as she pried at his arms, trying to free herself from the green-eyed python. Finally, he loosened his grip.

When was the last time I heard my sugar cube laugh like that? Plagg thought.

She dropped to her feet and scowled at him. But the edges of her lips still lingered with a ghost of a smile.

"You're a jerk." She said, not being able to think of a better insult.

"I think you mean handsome." Plagg retorted.

Tikki tilted her head slightly, looking over his features. Square chin, sharp (and crocked) nose, piercing eyes. Maybe just a little handsome, she thought to herself.

Just then, the blonde returned with the water, food, and Nooroo.

"Hate to interrupt," The purple-eyed man said. "But I need to speak to you Tikki." Nooroo had got a lead about a potential Akuma supporter meet-up and apparently had new information to share.

"I'll be right there." The redhead replied. "Sorry, Adrien. I hate to walk out on your training sessions so much but- you know. There is work to do." The blonde shrugged.

"Plagg can beat me up plenty well on his own." They all chuckled slightly.

Once Tikki and Nooroo were gone, Adrien saw his chance to bring up his idea to the green-eyed giant.

"Plagg?" He asked.


"If Marinette has a family they would have reported her missing years ago."

"Most likely." The grim figure replied.

"So can't we just do a DNA test against Marinette and the people who filed missing person reports for a young girl around the estimated time Akuma took her?"

"We came up with the same conclusion some time ago and it's doable."

"If it's doable then why don't you do it? We could give Marinette everything she's forgotten."

"How do you know she wants to remember?" Plagg looked him in the eye with a sorrowful expression. "Mari has had years to think about what her life was like before Akuma. She's not stupid, she knows we could have her entire history on file in seconds if she asked, but she doesn't."

"Why doesn't she?" Adrien couldn't fathom not remembering and passing up a chance at understanding his past.

"My guess is she's scared and I don't blame her. I would be too."

"Scared of what exactly?"

"The unknown. Mari has been to hell and back. How do we know that whatever happened to her pre-Akuma wasn't any worse than the refuge? How do we know she was taken by Akuma and not sold by human traffickers? How do we know that her memories won't just give her more nightmares?"

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