II: Road to the Falls

Start from the beginning

Slightly baffled Azalea asked, after a small pause which she used to collect her thoughts "What do you mean 'You will have some of my power'"
"You will be able to access more magic, darker branches. More powerful core. Your appearance will start to change nothing major and before you ask, I don't know what will change" They explained with a bored expression as if it was like she should have already known.
But then a bashful smile appeared and said in a shy voice which didn't suit them "I've never had a mistress or Master before"

Azalea just stared for a bit at their confession but snapped out of her thoughts when she saw the bored expression on Death's face,
"Okay, that's a lot but I can process it, at least I'm getting information when asking for answers," Azalea thought bitterly about all the times Dumbledor denied her answers and people died because of them, mainly Sirius
"Can I call you something other than death it seems a bit... well, rude"

They spoke in a booming voice that filled the peeling walled room "You may call me THANATOS"
Snorting, Azalea mused "Sure Ana"
Death gave a glare that could put anyone in the grave, but Azalea thought they looked cute


They were home, Azalea loved saying that.
They were in Potter Villa, after the dart idea she just decided to take turns visiting all of the properties she owned. It was mid-July when they arrive at the Potter Villa in Pitigliano, Tuscany.

Wondering around the city, she was in love with the medieval appearance. The villa itself looked like it was straight out of time.
It was doing amazing things for her mental health; her PTSD was still present it always will be but certain triggers had lessened for example her heart rate doesn't sore when an unfamiliar sound is heard.
Azalea has also been eating more frequently, still in small portions, thank you dear relatives, but more snacks like fruit during the day.
She had been feeling genuinely happier, not faked like at school but lighter, free-er. Maybe she could get used to this.

It was now the 30th of July, her godbrother's birthday. Azalea had demanded Neville come and see her, and he complied knowing full well she would come and drag him there herself.
When he came of his own volition they decided on wandering around the old cobble streets, hearing soft Italian in the air.

After a while of walking, hoping they weren't lost knowing full well this happened a lot at school even if Azalea had a map.
Neville always thought she did it on purpose so she could be late to certain lessons not that he blamed her.
He nonchalantly said "You know, the ministry thinks you're in hiding"

Neville rolled his eyes with a fond smile at Azalea, as she huffed out with a pout "Nevi, I'm not"
"Az, you disappeared" He deadpanned but there was concern glinting in his eyes for his sister
"Obviously, Nevi" Azalea agreed as she knew everyone in the Wixen world just wanted her for something, so it was the best way to leave in a shroud of mystery, she blamed her genetics.

Turning and stopping in front of him, which nearly made Neville fall on top of her as she told him with a nightmare-inducing glint of mischief in her eyes
"And it's Nova now Nova Peverell a young mother from England. Being shipped off after having my Teddy-bear" Azalea told him, "Or that's what people think"

Neville couldn't believe her, well he could.
This was normal, her being dramatic and him hoping that whatever they did wouldn't get them killed. A good dynamic.
So, he just shook his head with an exacerbated sigh saying "Seriously, Az"
"Yes," Azalea smiled widely with humour shining in her eyes. But as she was about to say something again, Azalea ran off like a small child.
Panicking Neville ran right after her as he knows explicitly how danger finds her and she finds mischief, but when he caught up, she was having a lovely conversation with the stall owner.
Neville exasperatedly sighed whispering to himself "It was flowers, she ran off for flowers"

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