/1/ Only A Room Away (4,300 Words)

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Aziraphale needed a break. This semester had been tougher than expected. Midterms had caused him several migraines, a minor panic attack and finals were just around the corner. He wanted to hide under the bedcovers and not have to deal with the emotional strain. He found this ironic, since he was a psychology major.

"Why on earth did I choose this profession to study?"

"Having an existential crisis, angel?"

His frustration had been so much that he hadn't even noticed when his roommate entered their flat. Which was certainly saying something, since said roommate was anything but subtle. Anthony J. Crowley might not have the most colorful wardrobe in the world, considering almost everything he wore was black or on a spectrum of it, but he definitely had a flashy style. For example: he was currently wearing steel-toed boots, fishnet stockings, shorts, a ripped up shirt and a spiked choker necklace. His signature black sunglasses hung from his shirt collar, since he usually took them off while at home. He also had a small face tattoo of a snake, just beside his right ear. To anyone else, they'd see this as a rebellious phase he wasn't able to have when he was younger. After being roommates for two years, Aziraphale knew this was just how his friend expressed himself. He also knew Crowley could provide the exact break he needed.

"Crowley!" He beamed. "Please tell me you've got the afternoon free!"

"You sound desperate. Lucky for you, I don't plan on starting my chem quiz until 10 pm tonight. What do you need?"

"I'm studying for my finals and I'm this close to dropping out!" Exclaimed the blond as he held his fingers centimeters away from each other.

The scrawny man sat across from him at the table, seeing how upset his roommate was. "Calm down, Aziraphale. You said the same thing last semester and you passed. You said it the semester before that, and you passed. You'll be fine..." Crowley reached over and grabbed Aziraphale's arm. This caused the stressed out psychology student to look away from his computer. He focused on those words as he looked into the redhead's golden eyes. He was sure he blushed, but hoped Crowley wouldn't notice it.

Aziraphale's had a crush on Crowley from the moment they met, but he had no intentions of acting on those feelings because it could end badly if it didn't work out but still had to share a flat. He suspected Crowley was aware of this fact, considering he was the worst at playing it cool. But Crowley was a good sport about it, never teasing or being mean. It didn't keep them from being very good friends, nor did it make them uncomfortable. Aziraphale was grateful for that.

He exhaled deeply, shutting his laptop. "I need a break."

"Then let's take one. Have you had lunch yet?"

"It's lunch time already?"

"It's 3:00 in the afternoon!" Exclaimed the redhead, pointing at the wall clock.

Aziraphale placed his face into his closed laptop, frustrated. "Ugh! I've been at this since 8:00 in the morning and I feel as though I haven't made any progress!"

"Braincells have a harder time working when you haven't eaten. Come on, let's get you something to nibble. My treat." Said Crowley as he stood up.

Aziraphale stood up, following his lead. "Oh dear boy, that's not necessary-"

"Your brain's already hurting, I'm not letting you do anymore thinking until we get back. That includes counting money and calculating the tip for the waiter. Assuming we go somewhere that has waiters, anyway. Where do you wanna go?"

"...It's been a while since we've had anything from Neil and Terry's Pizza Tavern..."

Crowley grinned. "Perfect, get your coat!"

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